FEATURED WEB PAGE: US MINT DIRECTORS FROM 1773This week's featured web page is suggested by John and Nancy Wilson, who write:While looking for autographs we found this great page
that lists all the U. S. Mint Directors from 1773 to present - great for
collectors, researchers and historians of the U. S. Mint.
From the web page: Credit for the success of the Mint belongs in great part
to David Rittenhouse. In Philadelphia today, his name graces the city.s
most fashionable address . Rittenhouse Square, about a mile west of the
Historic District. Like Benjamin Franklin and John Bartram, he was one of
those extraordinary men of early Philadelphia with diverse interests who
made manifold contributions: he was a clockmaker, philosopher, surveyor,
mathematician, politician and astronomer; He determined the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland long before Mason and Dixon; many credit him with having built the first telescope made in the United States; he constructed an orrery, a device familiar mostly to astronomers and crossword solvers . it.s a clocklike mechanism that describes the position of the planets as they orbit the sun; and, he was director of the Mint for its crucial first three years. ![]() http://www.coinlink.com/Resources/biographies/