NUMISMATIC LIBRARY OF ALEXANDER WILD AUCTIONED IN ZURICHLast week the Swiss firm of Hess-Divo auctioned the numismatic library of Alexander Wild (Die numismatische Bibliothek Alexander Wild). One E-Sylum reader attending the sale was Douglas Saville, who writes:I'm back home after a few days in Zurich. I had 120,000
Swiss francs worth of bids for the Hess-Divo sale, and managed to buy only
30,000 of lots. There were some erratic prices in my view, and some
extremely high prices for relatively mediocre copies of not-that-rare
works. Some lots were in poor condition. There were some bargains as usual in such sales. I am pleased with what I bought, and my customers who gave me bids are also pleased...on the whole the prices were very high, and shows interest in books continues to be very strong. Apparently very few U.S. bidders participated unless they bid directly with the auction house. Was the economy a factor for them? It's very difficult to analyse, as with all sales of this kind. ![]() ![]() The illustrations here are of lot 2009: ANISSON, J. (+ 1721) (Hrsg.). Midailles sur les
principaux ivinements du rhgne de Louis le Grand, avec des expli- cations
historiques. Paris: Imprimerie Royales, 1702. Ganzseitiger Kupferstich,
Titel-Vign., 292 S. mit rund 280 Abb. Dlterer Pergamenteinband. Lex.-80.
Einband verzogen und fleckig, neu gebunden, im modernen Vorsatz
Besitzerver- merk herausgeschnitten, Inhalt fleckig. Lipsius S. 253.
To access the catalog, see the Hess-Divo web site: www.hessdivo.com Wayne Homren, Editor The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org. To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com To subscribe go to: https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/esylum All Rights Reserved. NBS Home Page Contact the NBS webmaster ![]() |