A blog post I came across this week highlights an amusing ad for a bank on the theme "Make Your Money Multiply With Us". This isn't exactly what the bible had in mind with "Go Forth and Multiply", but it's not far off the mark. It cleverly blends banknotes, origami and computer animation. QUICK QUIZ: Who's Abe Lincoln's lady friend? -Editor (WARNING: Not meant for kids, or for adult viewing while in prudish work environments). This brilliant animated video ad for the German financial services firm Bontrust was produced by the creative firm Optix
The goal was to create a world completely made out of banknotes and explicit characters that stood for themselves. So we spent many days and nights doing a lot of research finding the right objects such as furniture, buildings, bridges, certain landscapes, clothes, etc.  This procedure was followed by style frames in 2D to evoke the right feeling, tone and look for the film while having a special origami look in the back of our minds. After we were done creating rough animatics, we could start to fine tune our characters, as well as the different scenarios of the spot. Our final task was to blend all the scenes, camera tracks and sounds together.
To read the complete blog post (and view the video), see: Hilarious Ad About Dirty, Dirty Money (http://www.boingboing.net/2009/05/08/hilarious-ad-about-d.html)
Wayne Homren, Editor
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