Dave Perkins submitted the following query relating to a hoard of 1797 Silver Dollars and 1877 and 1878 20 Cent Pieces traced to William H. Woodin.
Dave also provided the images - thanks. Can anyone help?
As many E-Sylum readers know, I am a long time collector, researcher and specialist in the early U.S. Silver Dollars 1794-1803. Bob Stark, a friend and also long time specialist in the early silver dollars recently shared with me a letter "from the desk of John J. Ford, Jr." dated February 12, 1986. I was not aware of this hoard and find this information quite interesting.
I am forwarding this for publication in E-Sylum to share this information with readers and in hope that someone might be able to shed some light on this subject. The letter reads,
"Coin World" just forwarded to me your inquiry of 1/31 regarding my mention of the hoard of 1797 U.S. silver dollars in the article on Abe Kosoff.
My article covered mainly the years prior and during WW-II. Kosoff purchased a hoard of 1797 U.S. silver dollars from the son-in-law of William H. Woodin in either late Spring or Summer of 1942, together with a large group of 1877 and 1878 Proof U.S. 20C pieces.
While I probably knew at the time, there is no way that I can tell you now what was in the group, except that I vaguely remember that it amounted to 50-75 pieces, some of which were in remarkable shape. Since almost all of Abe Kosoff's records were destroyed by his family, and because I have no idea where any records might be of Woodin's holdings, there is no place that I can suggest you go. After all, it has been forty-four years!
With my best wishes for whatever it is that you are trying to do, I am
Sincerely yours,
   (Signed JJ Ford, Jr.)
P.O. Drawer 706, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Perhaps this hoard was dispersed through one of Kosoff's public auction sales or fixed price lists.
If anyone has information on this hoard, Bob and I would appreciate "solving this long time mystery." I can be reached at wdperki@attglobal.net. Thank you.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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