Warner Talso has written a series of articles on a rare and interesting numismatic periodical called The Emergency Money Collector. They are being published in the MPC GRAM, an electronic newsletter for collectors of Military Payment Certificates and other war-related numismatica. With permission I'm republishing them here for E-Sylum readers. This article appeared in the March 25th, 2010 issue (Series 11, No. 1912).
Thanks, Warner! To subscribe to the MPC Gram, write to MPCGram@yahoo.com.
Arlie announces he has moved to West Virginia and his address is Spotlite Publications, Artie, W.Va. (Just for fun, I Googled on “Spotlite Publications” and found that Arlie's papers and documents are archived at Duke University.) Arlie comments on his work load. He just finished serving on the Papers Committee for the 1949 ANA Convention in San Francisco. As such, he prepared and mailed 500 letters to prospective authors.
Readers have proven receptive to the idea of an emergency money collectors club and plans have now been made. Nearly all the details have been worked out and will be announced in the Fall issue. I can't wait!
On the front page, Arlie announces that O.P. Eklund of Spokane, Wash., well known collector of emergency monies, recently disposed of his collection of German emergency coins because of ill health.
Josef Ulm, P.O. Box 20, Ried im Inkreis, Austria, has an ad offering a wide range of POW Camp currency from WWI and WWII. Also 10 different “rare bills” from WWII concentration camps for $20.00.
Walter Funck, British Zone, Germany, has an ad to sell “The Greatest Collection of German Emergency Coins”.
The feature article is entitled “Paper Money of the Spanish Civil War” by Dr. Arnold Keller of Berlin. An interesting aspect of this were the competing emissions of the Spanish Republic and General Franco's forces. There was an immense multitude of emergency issues. In the province of Catalonia, alone, there were over 700 communities that produced their own notes. Spanish emergency notes also started being printed in the Catalan language in addition to Spanish.
Chapter II of “Russian Emergency Paper Money” by Wladimer M Oushkoff, is presented. The war gave impulse to inflation and by January 1, 1917, there were 9175 millions out. (Note the author never seems to use a denomination, which, I assume, would be roubles.) The Republic (!) in 1917 created new types of notes, while continuing to print the old types, too. In all, the Government issued about 12 billion Imperial notes and 123 billion Republican notes until September 29, 1922, when Imperial notes were redeemed and declared worthless. The year 1922 brought about change to address inflation. First was a new unit called the “Rouble-1922” equal to 10,000 old roubles. It appears to be no different that the old monetary unit and the purpose was to eliminate the need for zeros. Second, in1923, a new paper rouble was created that was equal to 100 Rouble-1922 notes or 1 million old roubles. There were few local issues because central Russia was so poor.
The magazine is now 12 pages long. Recall I speculated earlier that paying for foreign subscriptions and advertisements must have been more complex 50 years ago. Well, Arlie announces that those who cannot send money orders or U.S. currency can pay for their subscriptions and ads in exchange for “collectable emergency monies”.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Wayne Homren, Editor
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