I like the design of this year's American Numismatic Association convention medal. Below are excerpts from the press release issued this week. It's interesting to see the lengths designers go to to in order to create an authentic-looking image.
The official medal for the American Numismatic Association's 119th Anniversary Convention, August 10-14 in Boston, is available for purchase. Designed by Jamie Franki, former master designer in the United States Mint's Artistic Infusion Program, the medal celebrates one of Boston's most famous citizens, Paul Revere. The obverse depicts the engraver and patriot's storied “Midnight Ride,” while the reverse calls to mind designs he engraved for a 2-shilling issue of colonial currency.
Franki began the design process by consulting Patrick M. Leehey, research director of the Paul Revere House and Museum in Boston.
“He suggested excellent reading material and also gave me a good idea of what Revere wore on his ride,” said Franki. “I employed the assistance of a seamstress who specializes in historic garments. She created a period-authentic outfit based on the direction I received from the Revere House. A friend let me borrow a horse for a photo shoot. I spent an afternoon at her farm in Concord (N.C.) dressed in colonial garb and riding the horse.”
From the photos, Franki created composites, sketching in Revere's face based on portraits by various artists. He completed the design with a replica of Revere's signature, taken from his handwritten account of the ride to Concord.
The artist relied on Clarence S. Brigham's reference Paul Revere's Engravings for the reverse design, examining reproductions of the colonial currency engraved by Revere to adapt his “rising sun” and “pine tree” devices from a 2-shilling note. This design anchors the legend for the ANA 119th annual convention. Two sets of initials attribute the design of the medal to Paul Revere and Franki. A border of 119 beads and a rim completes the composition.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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