The Calendar Medals (Kalendermedaille) produced by the Austrian Mint probably had their origin in 1933. They have been minted annually ever since and are a fascinating series of medals with superb designs executed by master engravers and minters. They usually depict one of the seven
planets known to ancient astrologers (in astrology the Sun and Moon are treated as planets) or by their manifestation as deities (generally Roman) or at least by a closely related theme. The reverses usually have a calendar of all the Sundays of the year as well as the dates of major
holidays surrounding the calendar design. Many Calendar Medals also exist in customized versions which were created for the needs of specific Mint customers.
The subjects of the medals' designs follow a recurring seven year cycle. At the beginning of each new seven-year production cycle the subjects are re-used but with new designs. Those recurring subjects in order of appearance seem to be:
1. Sun/Sol  
2. Venus  
3. Mercury  
4. Moon/Luna  
5. Saturn  
6. Jupiter  
7. Mars