On Monday I emailed Tom Wetter, who has been doing a great job populating our web site numismatic bibliography Wiki. I got a note back from his brother Gary, who wrote: "Tom was involved in a rather serious motorcycle accident and is recovering. He is quite banged up but he will be OK." I heard from Tom directly today.
I'm actually doing very well considering what the alternative could have been, and I thank God every day that I'm not 6 feet under. I'm finally off the morphine and getting around a bit. I went the plates, screws, staples and stitches route and availed myself to as many hospital services as I could. It's been what seems like forever now, but physical therapy is definitely helping.
I will say this, with the downtime I have, I am going through my library (with my brother doing the lifting for me!) and was even thinking about the Wiki. At least now you know why there have been no recent updates! I intend on starting up on it again relatively soon as I catch up on things. I really wish I could have gone to the ANA and met up and toured Bill Burd's library. That would have been an awesome time.