ANA Executive Director Jeff Shevlin
John and Nancy Wilson write:
Here are photos we took at the ANA Sacramento NMS in March, 2011. General Chairman Jeff Shevlin is shown at the lectern welcoming everyone to the show and another photo shows him and the Board cutting the ribbon opening the event. We want to thank the ANA Selection Committee and Board of Governors for all their work in the process that selected Jeff Shevlin. When we met Jeff at the Sacramento NMS in 2011 we were impressed at the great job he, along with his committee, did on the convention.
At the ANA Board meeting in Denver he gave an IT Committee report, along with Mr. Perkins, and it was delivered in a professional manner that impressed everyone in attendance. We are very happy that the ANA Board is bringing on board as their Executive Director a true numismatist with very high qualifications. We know that he will show the same passion for ANA, its staff and membership, as he does for So Called Dollars, of which he is an expert in. Good luck Jeff in your new job.
Congratulations again to Jeff, and also to the ANA. I've written here several times on my views of the proper qualifications for an ANA Executive Director, and I'm pleased with this pick. We need someone who knows numismatics and numismatists, and has the best interests of the organization at heart. No career nonprofit people (or lawyers!) for whom the ANA would only be a stepping stone to something else. Better a longtime ANA member or employee for whom the Executive Directorship would be the capstone of a career.
By way of correction a reader sets us straight on the Stack's-Bowers pamphlet mentioned last week:
In last week's issue a contributor noted that a brochure mailed by a certain firm was erroneous in stating that Tom Hallenbeck, president of the ANA, was the "executive director." Some fact checking, always desirable when trying to prove a point or to criticize someone's actions, would have revealed that, in fact, Tom Hallenbeck at the recent ANA Convention in Denver was indeed wearing a badge stating that he was (temporary) executive director. The appointment of Jeff Shevlin as executive director had not yet been announced when the brochure in question went to press. Accordingly, the brochure was 100% accurate at the time it was published.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
John and Nancy Wilson forwarded an editorial by Dave Harper of Numismatic News discussing Shevlin's priorities for the organization. At the top of the list is improving the web site. Harper noted that it's refreshing that something as mundane as the web site could be the main focus, after so many years of turmoil. But I would suggest there may still be some unfinished business. If one person could get sticky fingers and steal coins from the ANA Museum, who's to say there weren't others? If Yeager deserves to have cellmates, the organization should pursue identification and prosecution of the thieves.
To read the complete article, see:
Rittenhouse and the Transit of Venus
Len Augsburger writes:

This is only peripherally numismatic, but the 243-year cycle of the transit of Venus occurs next week.
It will be visible to the naked eye in some parts of the world. Numismatic triviists will recall David Rittenhouse's well known observation of the same event in 1769.
I've lost the email, but another reader mentioned this as well. Thanks!
To read the complete article, see:
Transit of Venus: June 5-6, 2012
( -2012-134332798.html)
Correction: Prince Edward Island Holey Dollar
Chris Faulkner writes:
By the way, you know that you illustrated a New South Wales Holey Dollar, rather than a Prince Edward Island Holey Dollar, to accompany my query.
Another sharp-eye reader caught this, too (sorry, I lost the email, but it was probably Joe Boling...It's always Joe Boling...)
Anyway, yep, I messed up. I always like to illustrate articles when I can, and I grabbed the first Holey Dollar
image I found in our Flickr archive. Oops - sorry! BTW, we haven't have any responses to Chris' query - can anyone provide information about faked Prince Edward Island Holey Dollars in the mid to late 1950s and early 1960s?
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
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Wayne Homren, Editor
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