World of Coins is a web site that offers boards for just about any coin collecting interest and more. There is a board for research projects and one for off-topic goofing and much in-between.
You will find information on collecting subjects ranging from storage and conservation to fakes and design elements (windmills on coins? snakes on coins? They are covered.) We are seriously interested in coin design and designers. We have some coin-designing members. Adjacent hobbies such as banknote collecting and metal detecting are covered.
There are useful links, some serious bibliographies, information on museums all over the world and a great board for unidentified items, where few items stay long. We have linked up with a French site to help each other out with particularly tough cookies.
Old coin lovers can feast on some 1700 threads on Greek, Roman, Celtic, Indian and Chinese ancient and medieval coins. Ever seen medieval coins from the Balkan area? We have them. The India section is especially spectacular. Most coin threads are organised by geographic area and here also, India takes pride of place, but the euro board is known for its liveliness and debate.
Tokens and medals have their own section, with boards for transportation tokens (commemorative metro tokens from Kiev?), tokens used for payment, medals and tokens not used for payment, counters (from medieval jetons to casino chips) and even toy money. There is amazing knowledge here.
The site is strictly non-commercial. Coin dealers are welcome, but no member can post more than four coins a month for sale and links to online auction house sites are a no-no
Two boards are aiming at helping members to meet. The feedback from meetings is invariably enthusiastic. The site is rounded out with community boards, helping you with illustrations, computer and software issues, deciding on the board structure by popular voting and the highly popular December quiz. World of Coins is virtually spam-free. Spammers very rarely get through and we they do, their filth is removed in minutes, thanks to a system of spam fighters in different time zones.
World of Coins is a lively site. In 2012, we scored almost 6000 new subjects and over 8 million hits on our web pages. See you there.