Rich Jewell submitted this review of a new book on the 1909-1916 Matte Proof Lincoln Cent Dies. Thanks! Thanks also to author Carl Waltz for the cover image. -Editor
A Collector’s View of Matte Proof Lincoln Cent Dies 1909-1916
By Carl B Waltz, Jr., Book Review by Richard C. Jewell, Clarion Editor
Carl B. Waltz, Jr. has published a photographic journey through his ANA & PAN award winning exhibit Matte Proof Lincoln Cent Dies 1909-1916.
The author starts off by announcing that he is not an expert in the subject matter but goes on to expertly explain and diagram in detail the process of matte proofing and the distinct differences in each year’s application.
If he is not an expert in the field he is certainly the next best thing….an individual with extraordinary knowledge and perception in clarification of a particular subject matter. Darn if that doesn’t sound like an expert to me!
This spiral bound, color, 135 page opus begins with an introduction that
describes his inspiration for the book came from some encouragement he received after exhibiting his Matte Proof Lincoln Cents at the ANA, Philadelphia convention in the summer of 2012. In particular he gives credit to both Leonard Albrecht and J.T. Stanton for encouraging him to put pen to paper and photos to page.
The focus of the book is to show in detail the die diagnostics of the Matte Proof Lincoln Cent.
Photographs, all taken by the author, vividly display the variations in surface grainy, satin-like finishes, rim differences, obverse die details and reverse die details, and generally why matte proofs show much more detail of the design than business strikes. The author uses a ubiquitous yellow arrow, to gain attention and dramatize his specific points of interest.
The limited dialogue at the beginning of each chapter highlights the number of Matte Proofs issued in each year, the number of obverse and reverses dies utilized and a quick observation to that particular issue, whether it’s a deep matte surface or a sharp strike or a more satiny finish, etc.
For those of you who are Matte Proof Lincoln Cent collectors this is the book you have been waiting for. As far as those collectors who are less inclined this pictorial journey might just peak your interest enough to start your study into a very interesting and challenging numismatic collection.
The book can be purchased for $30.00 from book dealer John H. Burns at your local coin show or by contacting him via the internet at It is also available from the author postage paid for $35.00. The address is Carl Waltz, PO Box 62, Millersville, PA 17551.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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