A couple other E-Sylum regulars won awards this year. David Fanning's article "Top 10 American Numismatic Books", has been selected to receive the third-place Heath Literary Award for 2012. Congratulations!
The Heath Literary Award, introduced in 1949 and named for George Heath, ANA founder and the first editor of The Numismatist, recognizes outstanding articles published in the last year in the journal.
The awards will be made during the ANA World's Fair of Money in Chicago on Thursday, August 15.
Eric Schena’s Ingle System book won the Gold Mishler Cataloging award. I asked Cliff for some background information on
the Award for E-Sylum readers.
Clifford Mishler writes:
This is an award that I originated back in the early 1970s, providing the endowment to get it going through the Token and Medal Society. I presume that original endowment ran out long ago, so for many years the TAMS was probably absorbing the annual costs. In recent years, as the TAMS has found itself financially strained, I’ve made a couple personal funding donations to keep it going. Thus, it is an award that is bestowed annually, I believe as first, second and third place achievements, to the top cataloging efforts published in a given year, which may be an original work or a revision of a previously published work. At least those were my original intentions, but I’m not certain of the specific criteria that might be observed by the judging committee these days, as I have not participated as an ingredient of that body for years.
Regardless, congratulations to David and Eric, and my apologies to other award winners I may have missed. There are many more I'm sure, as E-Sylum readers are the cream of the crop, well deserving of awards for their hard work for the hobby.
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
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at this address: whomren@gmail.com
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