Mintage Charts in the 1971 Mint Report
In an email exchange Joe Boling questioned Tom DeLorey's earlier citation of the 1971 Mint Report as the source to $3 gold mintage figures, asking if it was actually the 1871 report. As it turns out, it was indeed from the 1971 report, which has a chart showing total mintages by denomination.
Tom DeLorey writes:
There were a lot of useful charts back then. There are other years in the same era with the same charts.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: AUGUST 18, 2013 : Three Dollar Gold Piece Mintage
On "Script" vs Scrip
Joe Boling writes:
Did the Franklin footnote about the Butterworth manuscript really use the word "script" when it should have said "scrip"? If so, shame on whoever was the editor of the Franklin book.
Actually it did. It's a common misuse of the word that rubs me the wrong way, too. I almost mentioned it in my review, but maybe I'm mellowing in my old age. I did use the proper term "scrip" in my review, but didn't bother calling out the use of "script" in the footnote.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Morocco Leather
Joe Boling writes:
Your closing comment on the catalog of the Missouri Cabinet of U.S. Half Cents mentions "Super-deluxe editions in full Moroccan leather...." I believe that should be "Morocco leather," a compound noun describing a particular kind of leather, not necessarily Moroccan in origin.
I fell down in my editing chores on this one; Jim Neiswinter's email used "full morroccan leather" and me and my spell checker changed it to "full Moroccan leather". I shoulda/coulda/woulda looked it up. Thanks for setting us straight.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Great Debate Tapes
Regarding the "Great Debate" over the controversial Western Bars handles by dealer John J. ford Jr., American Numismatic Society Librarian Elizabeth Hahn writes:
I had a quick footnote about an error in my last blurb about the NBS Symposium. I mistakenly noted that I was surprised to learn that the ANS had the only copies of the "Great Debate", when in fact copies of the tapes do exist among various personal collections, including various individuals that were present at the NBS Symposium. Thank you to Bob Leonard for clarifying this point for me and mentioning that he has a copy of the recording.
Bob adds:
I spoke up at the presentation to advise that I have a copy of the Great Debate tapes (I think that Chris Cipoletti charged me $50 for them), and one or more audience members mentioned other copies. I don't believe that Karl used them for his book, but they add detail to refuting Ford's claims about the "Brother Jonathan" ingots.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
John Maynard Keynes and Yap Stone Money
W. J. Elvin writes:
A friend asked me if this article is credible, I have no idea. I've heard of Yap stone money but not of its influence on Keynes. Wondered if you might know if it's fact?
In today's selection -- from Money: The Unauthorized Biography by Felix Martin. What is money? Is it a hard asset like gold? Or is it instead "tradeable debt" -- IOUs that can be used by the noteholders to pay for other goods and services? Even today the debate rages, with crucial policy implications -- including the current debate between austerity and stimulus. In the early 1900s, an unexpected discovery was made on the tiny and remote Pacific island of Yap [or Wa'ab] that eventually came to the attention of a young John Maynard Keynes, the most influential economist of the twentieth century. For the inhabitants of Yap, money came in the form of stone wheels as large as twelve feet in diameter, lending support to the idea that money is at bottom an IOU.
To read the complete article, see: 8/26/13 - money, for some, is twelve-foot wide stones
Well, this connection was mentioned in a review of the book recommended by George Kolbe. That's no independent confirmation since the articles are both getting the information from the book by Felix Martin. Can anyone shed light on this?
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
The Legal Tender Status of U.S. Coins
Regarding the legal tender status of U.S. coins, last week I wrote:
I don't recall the dollar limit, but coins are not legal tender in unlimited quantities.
Francois Velde writes:
In the US, all coins are legal tender without limit since 1965: see 31 USC 5103 (public law 89-81, section 102,
as amended).
Thanks for setting us straight!
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
A Species Change Operation
Fred Michaelson writes:
This coin is something that went further than a sex-change operation: Andrew Tamburin, a hobo
nickel carver did a species-change operation on the cow on the reverse of a Wisconsin quarter. It's a lizard now.
Interesting lizard, but I wouldn't vote for it to be Grand Marshall of the Trans-Species Pride parade.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Oops - The Asylum vs The E-Sylum
Fred Michaelson caught a typo (or was it a brain-o?) in last week's issue. I wrote that "... only paid members of the NBS receive issues of our print journal, The E-Sylum" I meant The Asylum. sorry! We'll correct our back issue archive.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
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