Welcome to the Centennial Medals Cabinet! My intent for this website is to share with all collectors the information about 1876 Centennial medals that I have learned since starting to collect these lovely and interesting bits of historical sculpture. I also hope that this website will become a central point for my fellow collectors to share with me and each other their knowledge about Centennial medals. With your help and through your collaboration, we can make this site the most complete and comprehensive reference possible.
Believe it or not, the last attempts at a comprehensive catalog of Centennial medals were in 1876! In that year, William Holland serialized his catalog in several consecutive issues of the American Journal of Numismatics (AJN), and Edouard Frossard did the same in the Coin Collectors Journal (CCJ).
Many authors in the last 230-plus years have included Centennial medals in their catalogs, but only peripherally, never comprehensively. Thus, most of the Centennial medals that depict George Washington can be found in the Russell Rulau’s and George Fuld’s excellent redux Baker work in Medallic Portraits of Washington. There are two chapters that include Centennial medals in R.W. Julian’s Medals of the United States Mint. Bill Swoger’s recent tome on National Commemorative Medals covers the Centennial Commemorative Medals in great detail. And then there’s Hibler-Kappen’s book on So Called Dollars that includes many Centennial medals (as long as they are about the size of a silver dollar). A casual glance at the Bibliography in the Appendices will give you an idea of just how many authors have dabbled in Centennial medals, but this cabinet is the first to concentrate exclusively on Centennial medals since 1876.