David Sundman forwarded this article from the Times of London about a new design competition for the reverse of a new one pound coin. Thanks.
A nationwide competition has been launched which will give the winner the chance to have their design featured on the “tails” side of the new £1 coin.
Both professional artists and members of the public are being encouraged to submit ideas for designs which draw on the “qualities and quirks that make our nation unique”.
It is proposed that the coin will be a twelve-sided shape to enter circulation from 2017. The winner of the competition will be given £10,000 and invited to the Royal Mint to see their design used.
The competition was launched by George Osborne, the chancellor, who said: “Today we're asking people across the UK to help us design the new £1 coin. Think about your favourite landmark, or a great British achievement or a symbol from our islands' story.
“The winning design will be in millions of people's pockets and purses. It'll be heads you win; tails, it's your design.
Designs must not include a recognisable likeness of a known person, whether living or dead and designs must be the entrant's own work.
All entries should be submitted to the Royal Mint's dedicated website by October 30.
To read the complete article, see:
What would you put on a pound coin?

It didn't take long for the jokesters to pounce on the competition as a way to poke fun.
To read the complete article, see:
Twitter pranksters make a mockery of George Osborne's competition to design a new pound coin
Wayne Homren, Editor
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