In an email December 30, 2014 distributing the latest issues of his Coin Board News and Coin Boards for Sale, David Lange wrote:

Another neat little item is a 1931 photograph of murderess Winnie Ruth Judd which happens to include David J. Malloy at far right. He commissioned
his own coin boards from Lincoln Printing Company in 1939, and this is the first photo of him known to me.
I’d never heard of Judd, but for more information see the below link to a Wikipedia entry. I'd never heard of David J.
Malloy's coin boards, either, and at my request Dave kindly forwarded the following information for The E-Sylum. Thanks! -Editor
Dave Lange writes:
The photo of Malloy included with my newsletter is the only portrait known to me. I'm attaching images of the coin board he commissioned from
Lincoln Printing Company to promote his Los Angeles funeral home in 1939. It's extremely rare, and I know of only three examples, two of which
are in my own collection.
Neat item! Below is Dave's contact information for those interested in his newsletter or fixed price list. He also has updated
lists available for his two books on the history of coin boards and coin albums. -Editor
David W. Lange
POB 110022
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211
For more information on Winnie Ruth Judd, see:
Winnie Ruth Judd (
Wayne Homren, Editor
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