Dave Hirt was at the Whitman Baltimore show on Thursday. He writes:
I wasn't really expecting to buy more books, but OF COURSE I DID. Charlie Davis had such good prices on books in new condition
that I bought four of them. Then, on the way out, on the free table a man was empting two large boxes of auction catalogs. I picked up
four of them (my wife Emi was not very happy).
I would like to ask the readers for information about one other item I bought. It is a fixed price list of Charles L. Stake dated
1879. His address was 24 Maple Street, Dayton, Ohio. He lists a rather complete listing of US, copper & Nickel coins for sale. He also
states he will bid for anyone at US auction sales foe 10%, and has priced catalogs for sale.
Gengerke lists 12 auction sales for him, but they are rarely, if ever offered. I have been collecting auction catalogs for 50 years,
and do not own one. Do any of our readers know anything about Stake?
I don't recall reading or hearing about Charles L. Stake in all the years I've been collecting literature, either. Can anyone
help? Thanks. -Editor