Björn Schöpe published a nice review of the new edition of Spink's English Silver Coinage since 1649. here's an
excerpt. Be sure to read the complete review online. -Editor
Most catalogs cannot be updated as quickly as is desirable. All the greater the joy when an important catalog actually has been thoroughly
revised – as is the case with Spink’s “English silver coinage”.
In 1949, H.A. Seaby presented the first catalog on the English silver coinages between 1649 and 1949. Afterwards, P.A. Rayner updated
the monograph once every decade or so (1957, 1968, 1974, and 1992). The long break preceding the last edition from 1992 is indicative of
the efforts it took to complete the work. The numismatic community had to wait for a new edition for more than 20 years. Maurice Bull has
now presented an entirely new book.
Bull did not take the easy way out but – as he states in the preface – checked with many experts. On the one hand, he could take all the
data from the 5th edition. On the other hand, though, he had to arrange that data in an entirely new way. The catalog used to be divided
according to denominations; besides, the catalog numbers had become confusing due to supplemented letters added in the course of some
substantial reworking (for example, 1847A-E).
Bull freed the catalog from the dust systematically, arrived at a new arrangement, updated and augmented it with a wealth of
information. For starters, the catalog is now arranged according to rulers and subdivided according to denominations which are then
arranged according to types and, lastly, to dates. To facilitate utilization, the old catalog number is still stated. Apparently from his
own painful experiences and to make things easier for a future author, Bull has left a few numbers blank between the rulers, for future
Although the book is nearly three times as weighty as the former edition, it lists fewer types... How meticulously Bull has worked is
reflected in the comprehensive appendix. Not only does it list patterns for the first time, but it provides detailed references as to where
every mentioned catalog number can be found. Finally, therefore, those objects whose existence used to be a matter of dispute are
scientifically testified. Another new feature was prompted by the collector’s request to also state mintages. As far as possible, Bull
gives the individual mintage of the Royal Mint for every year. Needless to add, that the book is concluded by a bibliography.
The catalog is a glowing example for what an author achieves if he strives for bringing a standard reference up-do-date and making it
suitable for the needs of different target audiences.
To read the complete article, see:
Spink revises catalog of English
silver coinage (

Wayne Homren, Editor
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