Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
Christopher Columbus Medal by Kato
Description: Rare Kato medal of Christopher Columbus to commemorate the Columbian Exhibition in 1892. Measures approximately 5 inches in diameter.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 520: Rare Columbian Exposition 1892 medal by Kato (
Anti-Jewish Propaganda Banknotes
Anti-Jewish Propaganda Banknotes inflation era German banknotes over-printed with Anti-Semitic slogans. These were used as propaganda tools placing the blame for hyper-inflation which ruined
Germany throughout the 1920s on the Jews. ‘The gold, the silver and bacon, the Jew has taken from us and left us with this filth’ condition A/G (4)
To read the complete lot description, see:
Anti-Jewish Propaganda Banknotes inflation era German banknotes
over-printed... (
Republican Presidential Task Force Medal of Merit
A collectible Republican Presidential Task Force coin and pin.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Republican Presidential Task Force Medal and Pin
1897 Wilhelm I Centenary Medal
This is a beautiful original medal from 1897, which was also worn by many soldiers from the First World War:
– Wilhelm I 1897 Centenary medal, issued in honour of the 100th birthday of the first German emperor Wilhelm I.
This medal was awarded to all currently surviving veterans, many of which also later fought in WWI, which is why these medals are often found on WWI studs. Must-have for any medal collector!
The bronze medal itself is in excellent original condition, the ribbon is a replacement.
To read the complete lot description, see:
60. German original medal: Centenary medal from 1897!
( s
1938 Third Reich Hitler/Mussolini Medal
Third Reich. Silver medal 1938 by F. Beyer in remembrance of the state visits by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini to Berlin and Rome.
Edge: 835 PR.MÜNZE BERLIN, 36,4 mm, 24,67 g. Colbert/Hyder C-110.
To read the complete lot description, see:
143. Third
Reich. Silver medal 1938 by F. Beyer in remembrance of the state visits by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini to Berlin and Rome.
1975 Johan Thorbecke Medal
Bronze Commemorative Medal in perfect condition.
Material: Bronze (gilt/silvered/patinated)
Age: Second half 20th century
Geographical Origin: Netherlands
Johan Thorbecke medal by Willem Vis in bronze. The medal was minted on commission of the V.V.D., by the N.V. Koninklijke Begeer Voorschoten, in commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the
death of the great liberal statesman, the Dutch Statesman and scholar Johan Rudolf Thorbecke. Medal with original textual description and a box of Begeer attached.
Front: Bust to the left with the name in three recessed areas.
Back: The ' Turret ' of the Prime Minister.
Edge inscription: 5 MARCH 1975 V.V.D. AFD. MAASLAND A.L. VERHAGEN LID VAN VEDIENSTE (meritorious member)
To read the complete lot description, see:
31. Thorbecke Medal (
1909 Hudson Fulton Celebration Medal
Item: Hudson Fulton Celebration Sterling Medal 1909
Date: 1909
Size: 4 inches in diameter with a weight of 10.6 troy
To read the complete lot description, see:
Hudson Fulton Celebration Sterling Medal 1909 (
Newman Numismatic Portal Partner of the Week

Wayne Homren, Editor
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