The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is a set of images of coins and medals from the collection of longtime E-Sylum contributor Alan Weinberg. Project
Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Newman Portal (NNP) Presents Alan V. Weinberg Collections, Formerly on, created by John Sallay, served as a virtual platform for exhibition of numismatic collections. Closed earlier this year, Sallay graciously made available to NNP a portion of the
site content. With the permission of John Sallay and Alan Weinberg, NNP adopted this content and now exhibits a number of Weinberg collections. These focus on early American coinage (Massachusetts
silver, 1792 patterns, early large cents) and American medals in a number of specialized areas including Agricultural and Mechanical societies, lifesaving medals, Civil War, and others.

George F. Robinson medal in silver, 1871, from the Weinberg collection
All of these pieces tell a story. The 1871 George F. Robinson medal was awarded by Congress to Robinson for his heroism in saving the life of William Seward, Secretary of State, on the night of
April 14, 1865. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the same evening, was actually a conspiracy – the President, the Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Seward were all targeted. John Wilkes Booth
alone achieved the aim of the conspirators. Today, Robinson's gold medal is in the Smithsonian. Weinberg knows of only two in silver, while the copper examples are more plentiful. Still, the Newman
Portal identifies only 30 auction appearances in total since the 1850s – indicating an "availability" of once every 5-6 years. A single collection held two pieces, the identity of which is no
surprise – John J. Ford had both a silver and copper example.
Images are a new and growing part of the Newman Portal. Check out the upgraded home page which features a random selection of images from the site alongside new blog entries and
other useful information: . -Editor
Link to Weinberg collections on Newman Portal:
Link to George F. Robinson medal:
Wayne Homren, Editor
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