Dave Baldwin's Lovett Tokens & Medals site has a section on new discoveries. With permission, here's a piece about new varieties of the Elisha Kent Kane medal.
When I first began this collection in 2004, and now this catalog, I had no idea how much material there was or that much of it was simply not listed anywhere. And I am still 'discovering'
new items. On this page I will list any items I obtain for my collection or images that are sent to me by others of pieces that are new to me. I call this "New Discoveries" although they
may be items known to others that I was not aware of. This could include a variety I had not seen before, a piece struck in a metal not listed in a catalog, or something I simply did not know
existed. I will keep these posted on this page for 6 months as well as posting on the proper page on the website.
Elisha Kent Kane Varieties
A series of on-line searches sparked by a recent email from Jonathan Brecher has led to some interesting finds of medals related to the Elisha Kent Kane Medal pictured below.
Although Q. David Bowers describes this work in his book on Sage, "American Numismatics Before the Civil War", Sage is not mentioned on the medal and he may have not been the
exclusive distributor for these. He also mentions the obverse being combined with two other dies by George H. Lovett, The Great Medal of Honor and what I call the Three Muses. Below is a medal using
these two dies.
Now here is where it gets interesting. The following image is from the Tulane University Digital Library (https://digitallibrary.tulane.edu/islandora/object/tulane%3A50462)

(image from Stacks Archives)
This reverse appears to be the reverse from an Arctic Exploration medal by Tiffany
This medal is listed as 59.7mm in size, the Kane medal is 50mm but notice what appears to be wide rims on the Kane die. I cannot determine from the Tulane image whether the Tiffany & Co. has been
removed. And it gets even more interesting with the following medal from the March 2017 Stacks Sale.
This one is described as 60.2mm with the Tiffany & Co. removed. And the reverse die is George H. Lovett's reverse die for an American Institute medal, Harkness NY-100 at 60mm! Are we to assume
George H. obtained a Tiffany die, or did someone else obtain these dies to strike these mulings? If anyone has any information on these please contact me.
To read the complete article, see:
Lovett Tokens & Medals : New Discoveries : Elisha Kent Kane varities
Wayne Homren, Editor
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