I've been collecting Georgia Currency, Bonds, and Scrip for over 20 years. While I have framed and proudly display some of my Bonds, Stock Certificates, and uncut Currency
Sheets, the majority of my collection is housed in a safety deposit box and rarely sees the light of day. Most collectors I know do the same thing. We 'buy it and hide
Of late, I've spent a good amount of time searching the internet for images and contacts for some particularly rare pieces. I know what I'm looking for exists, but it
is more than likely hidden away...so it goes.
While grieving the fact that others haven't taken the time to share information about their collections online, I became acutely aware of the hypocrisy of my lamentations.
So, I registered a domain name (took 5 minutes) and went with a web site development package advertised on my family's favorite NPR podcasts (took another 5 minutes.)