Ed Hohertz has published a new edition of his book on square Islamic coins. He submitted the following information. Congratulations! -Editor
After finishing A Catalog of the SQUARE ISLAMIC COINS of Spain, Portugal, and North Africa, 1130-1816 A.D. there was no thought of writing a second edition.
However, after the first was published, previously unknown coins ‘came out of the woodwork’, including a hoard of square coins with new types and variations. This prompted me to
make a comprehensive work on the minor coinages for these dynasties, and the round coins needed to be included.
The second edition is now published. All of the silver and bronze coins (square and round) and square gold coins issued by the following groups are cataloged:
- Pro Muwahhid Taifas
- Muwahhidun
- Hafsids
- Taifas Almohades (Algarve, Ceuta, Lorca, Later Hudids of Murcia, Seville, and Valencia)
- Nasrids (including square gold pieces)
- Marinids
- Ziyanids
- Wattasids
- Sa'dian Sharifs (up to 981 / 1574)
- Ottomans (only square coins to 1232 / 1816)
- Millares, Christian imitations of the Muwahhid dirhams
Each chapter begins with a one or two page overview of the types for ease in locating a coin.
- Legends written in Arabic and English.
- References with the coin’s weight and size are given.
- Coins are illustrated with improved drawings.
- Rarity is estimated for each type.
Additional tools for help in identifying a coin include the following:
- Index of legends, phrases, and words.
- Index of mints.
- Mint signature variations illustrated with 155 drawings.
- Plates with drawings of 481 coins.
The 314 page book is listed by the publisher on the website at: http://www.identificacion-numismatica.com/h48-libros . It can be ordered by sending an email to the publisher, OMNI, at:
editorialesOMNI@gmail.com .
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
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