These pages are .....
These ancient coin pages were inspired by the many excellent web sites about ancient coins. It would be foolish to try to match them. The best of them are way beyond my capability
and resources, and why would I want to achieve a pale shadow of the best? I have listed a few sites which I think are particularly useful or interesting on my Useful Links
Instead, my own pages cover some subjects which interest me and were fun to put together. So, they might be interesting and fun for others, too.
What I Like
What do I like about ancient coins? I like their feeling of bringing history to life. I like their language of imagery, so different from ours that it gives me the feeling of
being in a different world - look at the two coins I put right at the top, representing aggression and agriculture, therefore war and peace. I like the way I have to learn great
chunks of history to find out about their context, and it's living history, not just reams of dates like the history lessons I had at school. I like the way they tell stories
and send messages. Some of this might be apparent from these pages!