On our Flickr image archive Ernesto Brando writes:
Do you know what is this, please?
The piece was pictured in my April 8, 2018 Numismatic Nuggets column. I'd come across it online and asked our readers the same basic question. I had to
tell Ernesto I was still stumped - no one had written in with a response. My only guess was that it looks like a tool check of some kind. Guesses, anyone?
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Query: King Farouk, Numismatist
Web site visitor Moe Rizkalla writes:
I'm an Egyptian numismatist and was wondering if you or your readers have any material to help me further study King Farouk as a numismatist? Looking at
the archive I found this article mentioning some Farouk related material but it's 12 years old. I wonder if anyone has something similar that I can study?
Thanks in advance!
Tough question - I'm not sure there's any one go-to resource. Of course there is the Sotheby Farouk sale catalog, but that only lists the coins with
little on the collector. Dave Bowers' book on Abe Kosoff probably has information, and there would be a lot of articles in the numismatic press. I guess I
would suggest starting with the Newman Numismatic Portal and using advanced search to limit results to periodicals.
Any other thoughts? -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
To visit the Newman Numismatic Portal:
More on Guttag Brothers Store Cards
Regarding varieties of the Guttag Brothers storecards, George Kolbe passed along this useful link to a March 16, 2014 discussion on the Collector's
Universe forum. -Editor
1923-1926 Guttag Brothers, 30mm Diameter, Rare Coin Dealer Store Cards, Struck by Medallic Art Company / Sculptor Jonathan M. Swanson
Last year I had a chance to purchase a high grade collection of Guttag Bros rare dealer store cards in 3 phases which was assembled in the 1940-50's.
The obverse of each features a allegorical scene of a nude muse holding the lamp of knowledge for a boy to study a coin along with 3 different reverse designs.
I bought the full collection including all the different metal type duplicates. Since only the bronze column flanked framed reverse design issue is common,
however still tough to find variety as a fully struck early die stage without excessive die erosion. I am keeping it intact since this is without a doubt the
most complete private collection ever assembled as only American Numismatic Society museum collection holdings come close.
Thanks, George. I counted 28 varieties in multiple medals. Great collection, posted by "Broadstruck". -Editor
To read the complete discussion, see:
~ Guttag Brothers Rare Coin Dealer Store Cards ~
Not to Be Used to Buy Elections Overstamp
Paul Cartmill writes:
It was interesting to read about the "stamp money out of politics" stamp in last week's E-Sylum. Here is my contribution - I got this
in my change last fall out here in sunny California.

Thanks. This is a similar political sentiment to the Zero Rupee anti-corruption notes in India. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: MARCH 10, 2019 : The Stamp Money out of Politics Overstamp
Mystery Coin - A Local Coinage Issue?
John Linhoss writes:
I found this coin between the pages of "Coins of the World" by William D. Craig's first edition 1966. I took it to the Baltimore Coin Show in
2016 and asked around about it. Chris Maniscalco at The Sentry Box seemed to believe it was a type of local coinage. Dr. Mike Shutty,a close friend, thought it
be best to send it to The E-Sylum. One thing is for certain, it is not listed in the book I found it in.
Mystery Token - Communion Token?
Here's a second piece John is curious about. Any thoughts on this one? -Editor
John Linhoss writes:
Some years ago, once again at the Baltimore Coin Show, I asked Steve Tanenbaum, who sadly passed away, told me he thought it French. He also said it may be
a communion token. Well, I have Burzinki's "Communion Tokens of the World" I acquired from Steve Hayden and I didn't see it in there. I was
wondering if any of your subscribers could help.
Jean Paul Divo
Regarding Charlie Davis' photo from the 1981 New Orleans ANA convention, Jeffrey S Zarit writes:
I believe the gentleman sitting on Dick Margolis's left is Jean Paul Divo and at that time, he was at Bank Leu in Zurich; and the lady across was Sylvia
Hurder (or Hunter) whom I never met but knew of her. This would be from the 1970's I think.
This photo was removed per a family request
Thanks. Richard Margolis is at the lower left. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
WAYNE'S NUMISMATIC DIARY: MARCH 10, 2019 : Charles Davis
1862 Curtis Catalog Sought
Craig Sholley writes:
As part of the research John Dannreuther and I are doing on the New Haven Restrike Fugio's, we are seeking a copy of John K. Curtis' 1862 catalog
and fixed price list. Electronic scan is fine for now, but I would like a period copy for my collection. Please email
Random Numismatic Book Sighting
While in London earlier this week Howard Berlin sent this report:
I was on the Piccadilly line going back to my hotel near Heathrow. Sitting next to me was a woman with two friends. What caught my eye was that she was
reading a copy of the book, "Hay Internment Camp Notes &? War Savings Certificates (2nd ed.)?" by Michael P. Vort-Ronald! I wasn't familiar
with that camp, but after briefly talking with her, she is an Aussie non-numismatist and Hay is in New South Wales, Australia.
How rare is that!? Outside of coin events I can't say I've ever encountered a stranger reading a numismatic book. Great story. We have discussed the
Hay notes before, but not the book. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
2019 ANA Summer Seminar on Medallic Washington
David Menchell submitted this note about the 2019 ANA Summer Seminar. -Editor
I thought that readers of The E-sylum considering attending the ANA Summer Seminar this year would be interested to know that once again, I will be
teaching a course related to Medals. This year, I will be joined by Neil Musante, author of the superb updated reference on Washingtoniana, Medallic
Washington. We will be exploring the wide range of material depicting George Washington. The course will be offered during the first session, from June 16 to
19. The course description follows:
Medallic Washington: Images of Our First President in Numismatics
George Washington's image appears on virtually every category of post-colonial Americana, from coins, tokens, medals and patterns to commemoratives and even
pioneer gold. This course will cover the spectrum of Washington issues from the past to the present, with special attention paid to the earliest coins and
medals, special rarities, and fantasies, fakes and forgeries.
Instructors: Dr. David Menchell, medals expert; and Neil Musante, author, Medallic Washington, Volumes 1 and 2
A great opportunity to learn from the experts! The Summer Seminar is one of the great achievements of the American Numismatic Association. Everyone should
find a way to attend sometime. -Editor
Wayne Homren, Editor
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