Information Sought on Magician Professor King
Regarding an item illustrated in my Numismatic Nuggets article last week, Jud Petrie writes:
As an avid magic token collector and researcher I would like to add some more information on it and ask for any information about the issuer, as
none has been found. The Society of American Magicians (of which I am also a member) has no record of him.
Many years ago anyone who could do something that the ordinary person couldn't do was considered to be using magic. This included juggling,
shadowography (making silhouettes using their hands), contortionism, ventriloquism, even to performing Punch and Judy shows etc.?
The token is listed as MT196 in Kuethe's reference Magicians' Tokens and Related Items, and was issued in both copper (R-5) and
brass (R-6). Notable is the incorrect spelling of Samson, adding a 'P'.?
Can anyone help? These are a great numismatic specialty, with a fun mystery to be solved - just who was Professor King? -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NUMISMATIC NUGGETS: MAY 5, 2019 : 1875 King Ventriloquist Token
Abraham Lincoln Cameo
Alan Weinberg writes:
Related to last week's E-Sylum article on the Mint engraver Salathiel Ellis engraved cameos, I own a splendid high relief 2/3rds face
forward Abraham Lincoln cameo, 67.5 x 57 mm in gold frame hinged pin which was a prized item in Norman Stack's personal collection for decades -
he showed it to me when I was a kid.
It is pictured in color on the center cover of Stack's Philadelphia Americana sale Sep 23-26, 2009 and in color as lot 7739 "From the
Stack Family Collection". I bought it for $17K.
Great piece of work! I found the image via the Newman Numismatic Portal. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
To read the catalog entry on the Newman Portal, see:
The Philadelphia Americana Sale, Part Two
Salathiel Ellis Portrait

Tony Terranova passed along this image of a plaster model for an Indian peace medal by Salathiel Ellis. Thanks. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Eureka Money Manual
Sean Moffatt writes:
I think your readers might be interested so I would like to announce that I have placed a Eureka Money Manual on eBay. The link is below.
This is a coin price list issued by C.F. Clarke of Le Roy, NY, and according to information I found in the Newman Numismatic Portal it was issued in
1895. I found it in a lot of vintage coin books I purchased at an estate sale.
Thanks - these coin guides are fun to collect. -Editor
To view the complete lot description, see:
Eureka Money manual coin price guide, published 1895 by CF Clarke & Co
16 Maravedis Coin Found in Utah
Regarding the old coins found in Utah, David Yoon writes:
There is actually a small mystery there. The coin on the right is a 16 maravedis, minted in the 1660s in Madrid. Not a common find, especially in
an area that didn’t have Spanish settlement in the late 1600s, but not entirely impossible. The coin on the left, although they didn’t show the more
distinctive side, appears to be a dinero of Alfonso X of Castile, from the mid-1200s. Definitely not in circulation in the colonial period. That one
must have been brought to the region by a collector, either modern or colonial, and the 1660s coin might be explained that way as well.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Dick Hanscom and George Kolbe forwarded a Daily Mail article on the topic. Thanks, everyone. George adds: "Wouldn’t it be fun, and
good PR, for coin collectors to ‘salt’ various old coins in unlikely locales?" -Editor
To read the Daily Mail article, see:
Mystery of the Spanish
coins that predate Christopher Columbus by 200 years and have been found deep in the Utah desert
Bank of Pippa Pig Note
Phil Iversen writes:
This was sent to me by another collector and I thought it appropriate to use and fool somebody with as this is the Chinese calendar "Year of
the Pig."
Read A Book!
For Mother's Day Dick Johnson submitted this cartoon. Thanks. Listen to your Mom and pick up a great (numismatic) book. -Editor
Wayne Homren, Editor
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