Numismatic burglaries occur far too often. In recent weeks two high-profile thefts have taken place; please be on the lookout for the stolen material. -Editor
Below is an updated list of stolen items taken during the residential burglary of Professional Numismatist Ken Bressett in Colorado Springs, CO. The offense occurred on

- Several pieces of spade, knife, Key and other early types.
- Approximately 20 sycee, various sizes and shapes.
- 1923 P'u Yi marriage dollar. Uncirculated.
- 1928 Kweichow Province automobile dollar EF.
- 1934 Communist dollar. AU.
- 1943 Yunnan-Burma Tael.
- 25 or more Blue Whitman coin boxes, each containing about 60 Chinese cash coins all in individual envelopes and identified with Schjöth numbers. Values range from about $3 to
$500 + each.
- 30 pieces of multiple copper square-hole cash.
- Several Whitman boxes of coins from Japan, India, Korea, Annam and other place.
- Type set of Fractional Currency. Mostly CU condition.
- U. S. Type set of various coins 1c to 50c. Many EF-AU. 1820 1c Unc, 1854 ½ c Unc., 1794 cent, etc. Some fractional gold; hobo 5c by Ron Landis; Admiral Vernon medals; Love
- 1976 Uncirculated Canadian Olympic coins, missing the $5.00 Javelin coin that was left behind.
- Gold Bulova watch c.1945 vintage.
- Gold chain with ancient Byzantine bronze cross.
- Three large gold man's rings set with ancient carnelian seal-stones.
- Various items of ladies' jewelry, earrings, bracelets, etc.
Thanks to Len Augsburger, Carl Wolf and others who forwarded the information from the Numismatic Crime Information Center. Ken Bressett is in our hearts and minds today - this
could have happened to any one of us, and the loss of numismatic material is heartbreaking.
Here's another high-profile theft: Alan Luedeking forwarded this communiqué from Colombia. -Editor
The Fundación Numismáticos Colombianos (NUMISCOL) is grieved to inform the public that a priceless treasure of Colombian numismatics has been stolen. A band of robbers
assaulted the apartment of Mr. Gregorio Toulemonde and besides his possessions, made off with a collection of Colombian silver and copper coins of incalculable value painstakingly
assembled over a more than 50-year period. For more information please contact Mr. Toulemonde at or via WhatsApp at +57.302.234.5170.
Here is a preliminary list of the items stolen, and should any of these items surface, the numismatic community is asked to please abstain from purchasing any of them and
instead notify Mr. Toulemonde immediately:
- 1/2 Real 1760 Nuevo Reino pillar coin (only known example in private hands)
- 1 Real of 1760 Nuevo Reino pillar coin (extremely rare.)
- 1 Centavo coins: Complete 20th Century collection (all known issues; 66 coins)
- 2 Centavos coins: Complete 20th Century collection (all known issues including the extremely rare 1922; 28 coins)
- 1/4 Décimo and 1/4 Real pieces: Complete collection of all known issues, including the rare 2-1/2 Centavo Lazareto issue; 130 pieces)
- 1/2 Décimoand 5 Centavo coins: all known issues through 1878 (complete collection missing only the two pieces of Medellín of 1870; 188 coins).
- 1 Décimo, 1 Real and 10 Centavos coins: complete collection 1760 through 1978; 165 pieces.
- 2 Décimos, 2 Reales and 20 Centavos coins: virtually complete collection 1772 through 1979; 157 pieces.
- 5 Décimos and 50 Centavos coins: all issues including the half peso of Medellín, 1868 to 1980; 153 coins.
- Many other rare coins; however the crown-size 1 Peso coins were not stolen.
A more detailed list by dates will be released soon.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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