Here's the press release for Classical Numismatic Group's Auction 120, closing May 11-12, 2022.
Roman Gold, English Silver Dominant in CNG Feature Auction 120
An impressive offering of English hammered silver coins, an array of Greek
masterworks and more than 100 Roman gold pieces are coming to the auction block in Classical Numismatic
Group LLC's Feature Auction 120, closing May 11-12, 2022.
With 1,335 lots at a total pre-sale estimate of $2.4 million, CNG 120 a well-rounded offering that
collectors across the whole spectrum of Ancient, World and English coins will find enticing, said Michael
Gasvoda, CNG's Managing Director. The strong market and our recent spectacular success with Triton XXV in
January brought in a number of outstanding consignments, he noted. Our bidders will reap the benefits.
The English section features the New Horizons and Causeway Collections, offering a remarkably
comprehensive holding of hammered silver of the late Anglo-Saxon, Norman, and early Plantagenet kings.
Covering nearly two centuries of English history from Aethelred II to Stephen, this section includes 100
different silver pennies struck at 36 different mints, a veritable tour of early England.
Highlights include:
Handsome Penny of William the Conqueror
To read the complete lot description, see:
NORMAN. Henry I. 1100-1135. AR Penny (21mm, 1.42 g, 11h). Large Profile/Cross and Annulets type (BMC viii). Southwark mint; Leofwine, moneyer. Struck circa 1113.
A rare and iconic flag type penny of Stephen
To read the complete lot description, see:
NORMAN. Stephen. 1135-1154. AR Penny (19mm, 1.15 g). Ornamental group, flag type. York mint. Struck circa 1145-1149.
Also featured in the sale is a fine run of hammered silver crowns from the Eton Collection, including a
number of choice pieces struck during the reign of Charles I:
CNG 120's Greek offering comprises 555 coins, including a run of Macedonian silver and gold issues
from the Ulysses Collection, coins of Northern and Central Greece from the James Gilman Collection, a diverse
group of early electrum coinage, and many important early Judean issues. Greek highlights include:
Exceptional Gela didrachm
To read the complete lot description, see:
SICILY, Gela. Circa 490/85-480/75 BC. AR Didrachm (20mm, 8.70 g, 6h).
Magnificent Leontini tetradrachm
To read the complete lot description, see:
SICILY, Leontini. Circa 430-425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 17.28 g, 3h).
Impressive silver tristater of Alexander I
To read the complete lot description, see:
KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander I. 498-454 BC. AR Tristater – Oktadrachm (32mm, 28.90 g, 8h). Light Aeginetic standard. Aigai mint. Struck circa 476/5-460 BC.
Pedigreed gold stater of Mithradates VI
To read the complete lot description, see:
KINGS of PONTOS. Mithradates VI Eupator. Circa 120-63 BC. AV Stater (20mm, 8.34 g, 11h). Pergamon mint. Dated month 10, year 213 BE (July 84 BC).
Extremely rare Persian gold double-daric
To read the complete lot description, see:
PERSIA, Alexandrine Empire. temp. Stamenes – Seleukos. Satraps of Babylon, circa 328/3-311 BC. AV Double Daric (19mm, 16.90 g). Babylon mint.
Among the Roman coins offered are than 100 Roman gold aurei and solidi, including several extreme
rarities. Roman emperors and empresses represented by gold aurei (often by multiple coins) include Claudius,
Otho, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Domitia, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Aelius Caesar, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Senior, Marcus Aurelius, Faustina Junior, Lucius Verus, Commodus, Caracalla, Julia Domna, Gordian III, Philip I,
Herennia Etruscilla, and Hostilian. The sale also includes gold solidi of Constantius II, Julian II, Valens,
Theodosius I, Magnus Maximus, Honorius, Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I, Leo II, and Zeno.
Roman Provincial, Republican and Imperial highlights include:
Noah's Ark bronze of Apamaea, Phrygia
To read the complete lot description, see:
PHRYGIA, Apameia. Macrinus. AD 217-218. Æ Octassarion (36mm, 23.25 g, 5h).
Silver tetradrachm of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony:
To read the complete lot description, see:
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Mark Antony & Cleopatra VII of Egypt. 36 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 15.11 g, 12h).
Rare silver denarius of Gaius ‘Caligula'
To read the complete lot description, see:
Gaius (Caligula), with Divus Augustus. AD 37-41. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.65 g, 3h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Last emission, from 1 January AD 41.
Extremely rare gold aureus of Domitia
To read the complete lot description, see:
Domitia. Augusta, AD 82-96. AV Aureus (19.5mm, 7.52 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck under Domitian, AD 88-89.
Gold aureus of Hadrian and Divus Trajan
To read the complete lot description, see:
Hadrian, with Divus Trajan. AD 117-138. AV Aureus (20mm, 7.19 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck August-December AD 117.
Rare gold aureus of Commodus
To read the complete lot description, see:
Commodus. AD 177-192. AV Aureus (20mm, 7.72 g, 12h). Rome. Struck AD 192.
Rare and historic silver medallion of Constantine I the Great:
To read the complete lot description, see:
Constantine I. AD 307/310-337. AR Medallion of 5 Siliquae (28mm, 15.46 g, 6h). Donative to Commemorate the Dedication of Constantinople. Constantinople mint, 5th officina. Struck shortly before 11 May AD 330.
Pre-bids on all coins in CNG 120 may be placed via the company's website, The live
auction will commence at 9 am EDT on Wednesday, May 11, continuing through Thursday, May 12, and can be
followed via CNG's Auction Mobility platform on the website.
To receive a printed copy of the full-color catalog and a detailed schedule, contact Classical
Numismatic Group LLC at, or call (717) 390-9194.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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