The Numismatic Bibliomania Society



The E-Sylum: Volume 27, Number 22, , Article 4


The Royal Canadian Numismatic Association and the J. Douglas Ferguson Historical Research Foundation helped publish and distribute Rob Turner's new book on the Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907. Here's the announcement. -Editor

Dominion Decimals - Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907

Rob Turner (Author)
Royal Canadian Numismatic Association

Dominion Decimals Rob Turner Book Cover Do you know the introduction of that catalogue, or the opening paragraphs of that article about those coins or tokens? That text that gives the coins historical context, gives them a reason for their existence. That is what Rob Turner's new book, Dominion Decimals, Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907, is for the decimal series of coins from the first 40 years of confederation.

Rob Turner, the 2020 recipient of the J. Douglas Ferguson Award, the highest award in Canadian numismatics, has spent decades researching Canada's large cent series. He has visited many museums, libraries, and archives to assemble so much information that was unknown before. But this work is more than just a reference book on coins, it's designed to preserve and present information that is not accessible to most numismatists.

The information used in the past in Canadian numismatic literature comes almost exclusively from mint Annual Reports of the British Royal Mint or the Royal Canadian Mint. While these references were useful, Turner found many errors and omissions while studying them. In his quest to correct and reconcile these errors, he consulted the public records prepared by the Canadian Department of Finance, the Canadian Auditor-General, the Canadian High Commissioner in London, the Royal Mint, and even the Heaton Mint's original order books.

The first chapter sets the stage for the new dominion's government and its workings, and its relationship with the United Kingdom. Next, four pairs of chapters are devoted to each decade from 1867 to 1907. The first chapter of each pair discusses various social, and economic events in the country, with emphasis on industry, transportation, banking, and financial policies implemented by the governments of the time. The second chapter of each pair discusses the business of coinage itself. It delves in great detail into each coin order placed by the Dominion of Canada to the British Mint or The Heaton Mint. Invoices are examined. Quantities of each denomination are detailed. And payment methods are explored. As you would expect from Turner, he also discusses the various dies used for minting the coins, as well as information about the designers, die-sinkers, and others.

Although the scope of this book ends at 1907, chapter 11 examines the records regarding the coinage melted and recoined by the Ottawa branch of the Royal Mint, and later, the Royal Canadian Mint, from its opening in 1908. The data presented in this chapter is incredibly detailed and useful.

This book does not have the wealth of images that most collectors would expect from a coin catalog. As Turner explains:

This book describes the history of the coins much more than the coins themselves. Loading it up with color plates of coins seemed gratuitous and even distracting. It seemed more worthwhile to instead keep the book black and white to lower printing costs and encourage a wider dissemination of this important numismatic information.

Clearly Turner's book is well researched. There is a wealth of information to be had as you browse through its pages. The book is written in a scholarly style, with extensive footnotes and a comprehensive bibliography.

Although Turner admits it may not be the most exciting read, this book is definitely destined to become a classic. Anyone with an interest in researching Canada's decimal coins will be thankful for the years of work and research Rob Turner has put into it.

The printing of Dominion Decimals, Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907 was financed by a grant from the J. Douglas Ferguson Historical Research Foundation. The hardcover, 338-page book will be unveiled at the upcoming TOREX show in Toronto June 21st to 23rd and will be available from the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association ( for $60 Canadian or $50 U.S. Turner has generously donated all the proceeds to the association.

For more information, or to order, see:
Dominion Decimals – Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907 (

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Wayne Homren, Editor

NBS ( Web

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