The Numismatic Bibliomania Society



The E-Sylum: Volume 27, Number 31, , Article 15


Jeremy Bostwick at Numismagram sent along these five medals from his upload of new material to his site. For all of the new items, please visit -Editor

1. GERMANY. Confirmation silver Medal

102586 | GERMANY. Confirmation silver Medal. Issued circa 1820-1855 (36mm, 14.00 g, 12h). By L. Herd for the Loos workshop in Berlin. HERR ICH LASSE DICH NICHT DU SEGNEST MICH DENN (Lord, I will not go unless You bless me, —adapted from Genesis 32:26), child advancing right, reaching up toward Christ standing left; 1 B MOS 32 V 26 in exergue // HALT IM GEDAECHTNISS JESUM CHRISTUM (Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead, —adapted from 2 Timothy 2:8), draped altar bearing crucifix between chalice and plate; 2 TIMOTH 2 V 8 in exergue. Edge: Plain. Cf. Sommer B3 (for overall type) & B9 (rev.)/B10 (rev.) (for this specific type); GPH –. PCGS SP-62. Highly flashy and brilliant, with some deep iridescence nearer the peripheries. Exceeded by just two others in the PCGS census, though by just one of this specific type. $395.

To read the complete item description, see:
102586 | GERMANY. Confirmation silver Medal. (

2. GERMANY. Baptism silver Medal

102731 | GERMANY. Baptism silver Medal. Issued circa 1875-1900 (38mm, 16.32 g, 12h). By "L.W. & C." DIESER IST MEIN LIEBER SOHN (this is my dear son, adapted from Luke (9:35), Christ standing right in the River Jordan, with head lowered and hands crossed on chest, being baptized by John the Baptist standing left, holding dish and long cross; mountainscape in background, radiant dive above // DURCH DIE AUFLEGUNG IHRER HANBE EMPFINGEN SIE DEN HEILIGEN GEIST (the Spirit was given when the apostles laid their hands on people, —adapted from Acts 8:18), radiant dove within elaborate border. Edge: Plain. GPH –. PCGS SP-64. Extremely lustrous and lightly toned. The only such example of the type in the PCGS census. $325.

To read the complete item description, see:
102731 | GERMANY. Baptism silver Medal. (

3. AUSTRIA. Sigmund Freud bronze Medal

102875 | AUSTRIA. Sigmund Freud bronze Medal. Issued 1906 for the 50th birthday of the founder of psychoanalysis (59mm, 99.70 g, 12h). By C. M. Schwerdtner, Jr. at the Vienna mint. SIEGMVND FREVD WIEN MCMVI, bust right // The Riddle of the Sphinx: nude Oedipus standing left, resting head in hand and holding walking stick; to left, forepart of Sphinx right; to right, ‘OS TA KLEINP' / AINII MAT ‘HI?EI / KAI KPATISTOS ‘HN ANHP (what goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?). Edge: MÜNZE WIEN. Wurzbach 2797; Storer 1127; Optica et Visio in Nummis IV.261 var. (silver). Choice Mint State. Brown-bronze surfaces, with some great brilliance. Compare to a similar example that realized a total of $450 in Classical Numismatic Group E-535, lot 748. $265.

To read the complete item description, see:
102875 | AUSTRIA. Sigmund Freud bronze Medal. (

4. GERMANY & RUSSIA. Carnival cast bronze Medal

102850 | GERMANY & RUSSIA. Carnival cast bronze Medal. Dated 1919. "Fasching"—on the carnival that should not be celebrated (58mm, 68.49 g, 12h). By K. Goetz in München. IM OSTEN DIE NEUE GEFAHR (a new danger in the East), facing bearded serpentine demonic head, with serpent-entwined bombs to left and right, and banner reading BOLSCHIWISMUS (Bolshevism) below // FASCHING, Germany (represented by the German eagle's head facing right) under the influence of agitators: her beak is padlocked, her talons are being plucked out with pliers by a British soldier, while a French and Chinese soldier look on; to upper left, German workers are forced to work ever harder in order to fulfil reparations; above, German citizens falsely dance in revelry under a pseudo liberty tree, surmounted by a phrygian cap. Edge: Casting pit as made, otherwise plain. Kienast 223. Choice Mint State. Warm brown surfaces. $695.

To read the complete item description, see:
102850 | GERMANY & RUSSIA. Carnival cast bronze Medal. (

5. NETHERLANDS. Karel Frederik Wenkenbach bronze Medal

102871 | NETHERLANDS. Karel Frederik Wenkenbach bronze Medal. Issued 1934. Commemorating the 70th birthday of the cardiologist, anatomist, and professor of medicine (50mm, 51.07 g, 12h). By O. Wenckebach. • KAREL • FREDERIK • WENCKEBACH • / AET • 70, bare head left // OMNI CURA TUERE CORTUUM NAM EX EO VITAE EST ORIGO (protect your heart with all your care, for that is the origin of life), human heart. Edge: Plain. Hofstee 28. Choice Mint State. Slightly mottled olive-brown surfaces. Splendid and rare Medicina in Nummis type. $325.

To read the complete item description, see:
102871 | NETHERLANDS. Karel Frederik Wenkenbach bronze Medal. (

Kolbe-Fanning E-Sylum ad 2020-05-17

Wayne Homren, Editor

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