The Numismatic Bibliomania Society



The E-Sylum: Volume 27, Number 43, October 27, 2024, Article 22


Numismagram's Jeremy Bostwick sent along these three medals from his upload of new Halloween-themed medallic art to his site. For all of the new items, please visit -Editor

  Rouen France Freemasons silver medal

102951 | FRANCE. Rouen. Freemasons silver Medal. Restitution issue, circa 1920-1940. The Loge de la Parfaite Egalité (33mm, 15.56 g, 12h). Paris mint. Two skeletons—one crowned and holding scepter, the other holding crozier and level—standing facing one another; altar surmounted by open book between them; radiant tetragrammaton above; to left and right, pillars of the First Temple (Solomon's Temple), marked J and B (for Boaz and Jachin); at their bases, compass and carpenter's square // LOGE DE LA PARFAITE EGALITÉ O DE ROUEN, Square and Compasses: set of compasses joined with carpenter's square; within, radiant pentagram containing the letter G (representing geometry or the Great Architect of the Universe); intertwined sprigs of acacia (referring to the legend of Hiram Abiff) around. Edge: «cornucopia» 1 No. 126/500. Cf. Labouret 721 (for original issue). Extremely Fine Details. Cleaned, with some deeper toning beginning to reappear nearer the peripheries. Extremely appealing and interesting type featuring masonic and haunting imagery. $465.

Freemasonry in France began to grow in the early 18th century, with numerous lodges forming throughout the remainder of the century until the aftermath of the French Revolution caused the majority of them to close down briefly. Upon the formation of the French Empire under Napoléon I, many of these closed lodges opened again, further continuing their expansion. The Loge de la Parfaite Egalité at Rouen appears to have been initially formed on 9 March 1786 and, at the time of re-opening in 1803, had 37 active members. In 1806 it was reorganized, containing 60 members, while in 1857, it had 56 members and in 1881, 61 members. In 2012, the lodge was again reorganized and reopened.

To read the complete item description, see:
102951 | FRANCE. Rouen. Freemasons silver Medal. (

  Awakening of Egypt medal

102616 | GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN & EGYPT. The Awakening of Egypt cast iron Medal. Dated 1915. "Ägypten erwacht" (57mm, 50.14 g, 12h). By Karl Goetz in München. SIR GREY ZEIG'DEINE MACHT! (Sir Grey, show your strength!"), facing bust of Sir Edward Grey (1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon), with a concerned look on his face, clasping his hands together in supplication and sweating rather profusely; behind to right, Death (as a skeleton) whispering into his ear and holding an hourglass over his other shoulder // Sphinx right, with head left, seated upon ground line inscribed ÄGYPTEN/ERWACHT (Egypt awakens) in two lines; in background, star and crescent (representing the Ottoman Empire) over the pyramids, with Ottoman troops rallying. Edge: Plain. Kienast 166; Klose –; The Art of Devastation –; Jones, Dance of Death –; Frankenhuis 1433. PCGS MS-61. Deep charcoal gray surfaces, with a lighter, dustier hue in some of the recesses, allowing the eye sockets of the skeleton to provide further intrigue. An extremely haunting issue. $895.

Following the defeat of Egyptian forces in the Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882, Great Britain occupied the former Ottoman province, though the latter empire still claimed suzerainty even after Egypt was declared a British protectorate in 1914. In order to formally reinstate their influence in the region, Ottoman forces attacked British forces in Egypt the following year, with regional powers during the first world war starting to align themselves. This particular medal was a jab by Goetz at Sir Edward Grey, then British Foreign Secretary, urging him to stand up to the rising unrest against the British occupation of the region.

To read the complete item description, see:
102616 | GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN & EGYPT. Awakening of Egypt cast iron Medal. (

  Femme Fatale medal

102886 | BELGIUM. "Femme Fatale" oval uniface cast bronze Medal. Issued 2017 (86mm x 104mm, 314.4 g). By Paul Huybrechts. Female dancing facing atop sphere, with hands raised overhead and with six arachnoid appendages emanating from her back; web in background // Blank, with a shell-like nature that recesses nearly the entire thickness (10mm). Edge: Plain. Cf. JEGMP 2018, p. 78 (for one of the other examples that has had enameling in red and blue in some spots). Essentially as made. Deep brown surfaces, with some lighter hues upon the higher points. Extremely rare, and one of just three cast. $435.

To read the complete item description, see:
102886 | BELGIUM. "Femme Fatale" oval uniface cast bronze Medal. (

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Wayne Homren, Editor

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