The Numismatic Bibliomania Society



The E-Sylum: Volume 27, Number 43, October 27, 2024, Article 26


From November 4 through 7, 2024, German auction house Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. will be holding their Auctions 439-441. Below please find a description of the first auction as well as selections. -Garrett

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All collectors and fellow dealers should make a note of this year's autumn auction in their calendars now!

The auction week begins on Monday, 4 November, an exception at Peus, and offers a particularly attractive selection of antique coins. Several entire collections have been included in the 1250 individual lots, some of which we would like to highlight here.

The Nummi Regnum Britonum (Coins of the Kingdoms of the Britons) collection focuses on the coinage of the ‘Celtic' tribal chieftains of the British Isles. It was built up between the early 1990s and the late 2000s with a focus on gold coinage and contains numerous rarities, many of which have not been offered for sale for many years. Ancient British numismatics, with its florid and sometimes local patriotic type designations such as ‘Gisleham Glory' and ‘Irstead Smiler', is a cosmos all of its own, into which the Nummi Regnum Britonum collection provides a fascinating insight.

The particularly rich part of Greek coins in this auction consists in its core of specimens from the collection of Dr Hans Maag (1929-2009), which complement the holdings we were allowed to offer in our auction no. 407 in 2012. These coins harmonise wonderfully with a collection of smaller silver denominations (up to drachms) from a collector who wishes to remain anonymous and attaches particular importance to both quality and provenance. Once again, illustrious pedigrees such as ‘ex Coll. Hermitage' (nos. 95 and 356) or ‘ex Metropolitan Museum' (no. 313) as well as numerous provenances from the period before the Second World War can be found in our catalogue, which also boasts dozens of plate specimens. Further high-quality but smaller consignments, including some ‘latecomers' from the Rudolf Hoesch Collection, ‘Hunting and Animals', which was sold very successfully in Auction 438, round off the range of Greek coins on offer.

Anyone browsing through the section of Roman coins will notice that this auction features a particularly large number of Aes coins, especially sestertii, with a focus on the popular ‘philosopher emperor' Marcus Aurelius. Most of these pieces come from the holdings of a deceased collector from the Rheingau region, comprising around 500 specimens, from which we were also able to create attractive and collector-friendly lots. The centrepiece, however, is a part of a large collection of often excellently preserved denarii from the middle price segment, supplemented by an opulent lot of late antique gold coins.

The special collection ‘de face' concluding the ‘Antique Day' of our auction 439 forms a separate catalogue section in order to highlight the special nature of the chosen collection theme. ‘De face' is the elegant French technical term for frontal depictions, and so leafing through this collection - and especially the elaborately designed plates - offers a rare experience: from every catalogue page and from every single coin, faces gaze out at the viewer, be they those of gods, heroes, monsters or even crabs.

00132a00 00132r00
Lot 132. Selinous, Hemidrachme 417/409 v. Chr. Feine dunkle Tönung, Sehr selten, gutes Sehr schön

00144a00 00144r00
Lot 144. Syrakus, Dionysios I., 405-367 v. Chr. Gold-Tetradrachme (20 Litrai) 405/400 v. Chr. GOLD Seltene Variante, vorzüglich

00356a00 00356r00
Lot 356. Seleukos I. Nikator, 306-280 v. Chr. Tetradrachme 305/295 v. Chr., Susa. Kabinettstönung und von illustrer Provenienz Gutes Sehr schön

01001a00 01001r00
Lot 1001. Atrebates und Regini, Tincomarus, 25 v.-10 n. Chr. Goldviertelstater GOLD Feine Goldtönung, Sehr selten, vorzüglich

01085a00 01085r00
Lot 1085. Insel Thasos, Trihemiobol 412/404 v. Chr. Feine, teils irisierende Tönung Doppelschlag im Revers, vorzüglich

The range of medieval and modern coins on offer is so large that 3 days, from 5 to 7 November, must be planned for it.

After the usual coins and medals from all over the world and from the Habsburg hereditary lands, the collection of bracteates from a southern German collector will appear as a whole, ahead of the remaining coins from the old German states. Comprising over 180 lots, the collection represents the entire spectrum of bracteate coinage from central Germany to the mints around Lake Constance at low and medium price levels.

Lot 1787. Donauwörth, königliche Münzstätte. Heinrich VI. von Hohenstaufen, 1190-1197, Brakteat. Selten Fast Stempelglanz

Lot 1793. Frankfurt, Reichsmünzstätte. Heinrich VI. von Hohenstaufen, 1190-1197, Brakteat. Sehr schön

Lot 1798. Fulda, Abtei, 1752 Bistum. Konrad II., 1177-1192, Brakteat, Fulda. Vorzüglich

As usual, the coins and medals of the Feudal German states follow through all centuries, in all metals and in all price categories. Remarkable is the number of thalers before 1800, which are distributed alphabetically throughout the catalog.

01972a00 01972r00
Lot 1972. Bentheim-Steinfurt, Grafschaft. Ernst Wilhelm, Reichstaler 1659, Münster. Prachtexemplar mit herrlicher Patina, Sehr selten Vorzüglich/Stempelglanz

01977a00 01977r00
Lot 1977. Brandenburg-Preußen, Königreich. Friedrich I., Reichstaler 1707 CS, Berlin. Patina, Sehr selten Vorzüglich

02027a00 02027r00
Lot 2027. Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel. August der Jüngere von Lüneburg-Hitzacker, Reichstaler o. J. (um 1650), Zellerfeld, "Reisetaler". Vorzügliches Prachtexemplar mit schöner Patina

02458a00 02458r00
Lot 2458. Lüneburg, Stadt. Doppelter Reichstaler, o. J. (1637-1638), sogenannter doppelter Jagdtaler. Äußerst selten Sehr Schön

With over 150 individual lots from the 13th century to 1866, the coins of the imperial city of Frankfurt are represented in particularly large numbers and high quality.

02128a00 02128r00
Lot 2128. Frankfurt, Reichsstadt, 1311-1806Doppeldukat 1710, "Doppelter Sturmdukat". GOLD Sehr selten Vorzüglich

02134a00 02134r00
Lot 2134. Reichstaler 1717, auf die 200-Jahrfeier der Reformation. Selten, vorzüglich

02201a00 02201r00
Lot 2201. Frankfurt, freie Stadt. Doppelgulden 1849, auf die Wahl Friedrich Wilhelms IV. zum Kaiser. Mit Randschrift. Vorzüglich/Stempelglanz

A collection of over 100 coins and medals from the County of Hanau up to the time of the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel must be mentioned, too. In particular, the numerous mining-thalers from the Bieber mines are worth a closer look.

02863a00 02863r00
Lot 2863. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Großherzogtum. Adolf Friedrich V. 20 Mark 1905. J. 240. GOLD

02981a00 02981r00
Lot 2981. Reuß-ältere Linie. Heinrich XXII. 20 Mark 1875. J. 254. GOLD Sehr selten, fast vorzüglich

03021a00 03021r00
Lot 3021. Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. Ernst II. 20 Mark 1872. J. 270. Äußerst selten, nur 1.000 Exemplare geprägt Sehr schön

03026a00 03026r00
Lot 3026. Sachsen-Meiningen. Georg II. 20 Mark 1872. J. 275. GOLD Fast vorzüglich

03032a00 03032r00
Lot 3032. Sachsen-Meiningen. Georg II. 20 Mark 1905. J. 279. GOLD Prachtexemplar Fast Stempelglanz

Wednesday, November 6, belongs to German coins after 1871, and Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. is proud to offer an almost complete collection by years of gold coins from the German Empire as the highlight of the 439th auction. Among them are rarities such as the Bavarian 20 mark piece of the 1913 vintage year (J. 200) in outstanding condition, the Mecklenburg-Strelitz 10 mark piece of 1873 (J. 235) or the extremely rare 1877 vintage year of the Saxon 20 mark piece (J. 262). The highlight is the rarest type of all imperial gold coins: Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 20 marks 1872 (J. 3021).

As usual with Peus, this closed collection is followed by the coins of the German Empire in gold and silver, the Weimar Republic and other areas from various owners. Here, too, some rarities can be found.

Paper money with rare banknotes of the high inflation, the Weimar Republic and the world wars, as well as numismatic literature follow.

As always, the traditional conclusion is formed by numerous favorably priced lots from all over the world and from all periods.

Thursday, November 7, still has 2 collections in store, each of which deserves its own hardcover auction catalog due to its size and importance.

Rosa E-Sylum FPL 27 Ad 1

Wayne Homren, Editor

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