Denis Richard of Canada's Coin Photography Studio publishes a blog with some nicely researched (and illustrated!) articles on various numismatic topics. With permission, we're republishing one here. Thank you! Here's the first part of an article on the 1793 Manchester Promissory Halfpenny token.
In the late 18th century, shops lined the busy streets of Manchester, England, offering a wide range of goods. Among them were the haberdasheries, apothecaries, and grocers, - or spice merchants - who specialized in selling spices, sugar, honey, tea, coffee, and tobacco alongside drugs and medicinal products. Typically, these items were sold by weight in what was commonly referred to as a "grocery store." They prided themselves on their selection of coffee and tea and were known to keep a kettle in store to offer samples to potential customers. It's a tradition we still see today in modern markets.
During the early industrial age, tea and exotic spices arrived in England from across the empire. Ironically, it was often easier to find these items in stores than it was to find the coins needed to purchase them.
Before the widespread adoption of paper currency, gold and silver coins were rare commodities, but copper coins were almost impossible to come by. Most coins in circulation were either clipped or counterfeit, vastly exceeding the number of government-issued coins. Fewer than one in ten coins even resembled the official regal currency.
The reasons for this predicament are numerous, but in this era of coinage chaos, trade tokens like our featured halfpenny became the people's currency. Issued by merchants, tradesmen, and individuals, they supplemented the lack of official coins and kept the economy afloat.
Our featured token, a 1793 Manchester Promissory Halfpenny, was struck for John Fielding, a grocer and tea merchant who conducted his business at 27 Withygrove, Manchester, England. As a grocer, John Fielding belonged to the grocer's guild, officially known as The Worshipful Company of Grocers. Established in 1345, the Grocers were a longstanding and powerful guild. Given this connection, finding the guild's coat of arms on the obverse of his token is unsurprising.
Obverse above. A simplified version of the Coat of Arms of the Worshipful Company of Grocers. Below, is the official CoA.
The token artists, Arnold and Roger Dixon, did a commendable job replicating it. We see a shield flanked by griffins on each side, crowned by a camel carrying what looks like a saddle but is actually bags of spices on its back. Below this ensemble is a banner bearing the inscription "GOD GRANT GRACE," complemented by the legend: "MANCHESTER PROMISSORY HALFPENNY 1793." The vivid blues and red of the official coat of arms, shown right, are serendipitously reflected in the coin's tonal hues. The shield is adorned with cloves—four above and two below the chevron. In 16th—and 17th-century Europe, pepper, cloves, and nutmeg were among the most precious items, worth more than their weight in gold. Interestingly, the Grocers guild originated from a group of 22 Pepperers, individuals who traded in pepper. These Pepperers, along with Spicers and Grocers, are the ancestors of today's pharmacies.
Despite its name, the Manchester Halfpenny was not minted in Manchester, but 80 miles south in Birmingham, by William Lutwyche (1754-1801), who transitioned from toymaking to becoming a prolific and somewhat notorious manufacturer of tokens. By the time Lutwyche struck this halfpenny, Birmingham had already gained notoriety as a hub for producing counterfeit coins, especially copper ones. This reputation prompted R.E. Raspe to mention in his "Descriptive Catalogue of Gems.." (Edinburgh, 1791) that the 'Brummagem ha'pence' were produced by 'shabby, dishonest button-makers in the dark lanes of Birmingham."
However, not all of Birmingham's manufacturers were making counterfeits. Many reputable firms, such as Matthew Boulton's Soho Mint, produced official coinage using techniques surpassing the Royal Mint.
The reverse side of the token presents a bit of a puzzle—not in its identity, but in the purpose of some of its elements. The legend reads: "PAYABLE AT IN. FIELDING'S GROCER & TEA DEALER." This fits with how tokens have been historically used to boost local businesses, suggesting that Fielding purchased it as an advertising tool.
The late-18th century version of the genuine EIC trademark.
In the center of the token is the bale mark of the East India Company (EIC). Today, we'd call it their logo. It's a heart-shaped symbol, representing 'good luck,' crowned by the number four, which symbolizes the Agnus Dei or 'Lamb of God.' The emblem incorporates the initials of the Company, V E I C (United East India Company). Like the Romans, the letter U is represented by a V.
Including the EIC's bale mark on the token is peculiar and raises many questions. The EIC was an enormous trading company, which at this time had a virtual monopoly on all English trade with the East Indies. Why did a small-town grocer in Manchester have the EIC logo on its token? Did he purchase their goods? Was it included for brand recognition?
It's plausible the EIC bale mark originated from Lutwyche, who frequently repurposed existing dies in his collection to produce a variety of mules and was known for crafting numerous questionable issues. Was Lutwyche striking coins for the EIC?
Renowned numismatist Richard G. Doty states that in 1791 and 1794, the years when this token was struck, Boulton's Soho Mint was actively producing millions of copper coins for the EIC, many with the bale mark on the reverse. It seems unlikely that a company of Lutwyche's size and reputation would have also been engaged in minting coins for them, so it's possible that Lutwyche obtained the dies for his unofficial use.
I have nothing but speculation, but if you, dear reader, have any insight or theories on including the EIC bale mark on Fielding's token, please do share...
Denis Richard
My name is Denis Richard, and I am the eye behind the lens at Coin Photography Studio. I've been making photographs for over two decades and know there are no rules for good coin photographs. There are only good photographs that bring out the best in coins. I create coin portraits because I believe a coin image is more than just a picture; it should be a feeling, and I invite you to experience it with me.
My professional memberships and affiliations include the American Numismatic Association, the Canadian Numismatic Association, the Ontario Numismatic Association, and the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts.
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1793 Manchester Promissory Halfpenny
Wayne Homren, Editor
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