The January-February 2025 issue of The TAMS Journal has been published.
The TAMS Journal
V65, N1 January-February 2025
Tin Cans and Tokens: A Numismatic History of the Oyster Industry in America
David E. Schenkman and Eric R. Schena
Selling Likeness: An Introduction to Daguerreian or Photographic Tokens (1850-1890)
Jorge L. Crespo-Armáiz, PhD
Terrace Garden, San Francisco
Michael Wehner
Maverick Transportation Tokens Identified
David E. Schenkman
From the President
James Brokamp
Sixty Years Ago in TAMS
Greg Burns
So-Called Dollar Stories
Je? Shevlin
Counterstamp Corner
Greg Bennick
This & That
Harry Waterson
American Token Manufacturers & Their Agents
David E. Schenkman
Ryan Kordziel
Secretary's Report
Donna Moon
General News/Pleas
Here's an excerpt from editor Greg Burns' intro to the issue.
Fingers on the Keyboard
I'm writing this on
Christmas Eve, and happy to be looking forward
to wrapping up 2024
shortly. It's been a good
year (aren't they all?),
but a busy one.
Over the past year
we've added columnists,
maintained a good backlog of upcoming articles
written by skilled writers
on engaging topics (we can always
use more), and enjoyed a well-printed
journal for our society with which to
stock our numismatic libraries (thanks
to Minuteman Press of Toledo for
that!), and done so when many similar
specialty groups and publications are
struggling. While I very much hope we
can continue this path, it would be a
wonderful dream-come-true if we were able to
grow our membership
and expand TAMSJ.
Eh, something to think
about for 2025.
you can do something
to help. We always need
new members (get the
word out), and welcome
new volunteers within
the TAMS administrative
body. You've seen new names during
this past year as well on the masthead
just inside the front cover. It could list
your name there, you know.
This issue contains Ryan Kordziel's
inaugural oversight of the "Mavericks"
column, and he soon hopes to be able
to give the green light on new submittals for attribution. In the meantime,
there are a lot of unattributed pieces
still needing information, so feel free
to fritter away some cold winter hours
delving into investigation resources.
In closing, I'm optimistic for the
coming year and hope all our readers
have a great 2025 in store for them.
Lots of great acquisitions (or sales),
fun researching the little pieces that
capture our imaginations, and great
times with our fellow collectors!
TAMS is a great organization with a top-notch periodical. If you've never been a member, or your membership has lapsed, now's a great time to sign up.
For more information, see:
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at
To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor
at this address:
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