The ANA is accepting submissions for the 2025 Barbara J. Gregory Outstanding Club Publications competition. Here's the announcement. There are many great club publications being produced these days - good luck to all!
Submissions Accepted for ANA's Club Publications Competition
The American Numismatic Association (ANA) is currently accepting submissions for the 2023 Barbara J. Gregory Outstanding Club Publications competition. Awards will be presented in four categories: local, regional, specialty and electronic. The contest is open to member clubs that are current with their ANA dues, and do not have an elected or salaried ANA officer as editor or assistant editor. Each publication may enter in only one category. If a publication qualifies for more than one category, such as local and electronic, the submitter may choose under which category to enter.
Submissions for all categories must include just three samples of publications from 2024 and can be either mailed or emailed. Also required are the category of submission (local, regional, specialty, or electronic); the editor's name; and the name, address, phone number and email address of the submitter. Completed submissions must be postmarked or emailed no later than April 1.
Judging Criteria
Publications are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (1-poor, 5-excellent) in the following areas: General appearance/appeal; consistency of format; neatness/readability; presentation of club-related news; presentation of numismatic/scholarly information; aptness/quality of illustrations; and originality/creativity. The size of the club and the amount of funds expended is not a factor in judging.
Entries can be emailed to Olivia McCommons at or mailed to:
Outstanding Club Publications Competition
ANA Publications Department
c/o Olivia McCommons
818 N. Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Honors will be presented at the ANA World's Fair of Money® in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
To view the submission guide online and to see past winners, visit For more information, contact
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Wayne Homren, Editor
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