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This week we open with two new books, a periodical, one book review, two obituaries, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include Buffalo Nickel proofs, Bust dimes, money of the Civil War, Doc Brown tokens, regulated gold, Ed Quagliana, fixed price and auction selections, my numismatic diaries, the Korean mint, and the Memphis Coin Club show.
To learn more about the 2026 Red Book, the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists, Bill Cross, Steve Duckor, the Lincoln plaque in the Oval Office, Angilina Arsena, the Arsinoe Mnaieion,
the Scarcity of Living Space medal, the the National Stock Certificate, Bond & Paper Money Show, the Military Order of the Serpent, California small denomination gold recovered from the wreck of the steamship Winfield Scott, how coins make you stupid,
eBay's most expensive gold and silver coins, and Jefferson's "Notes on the Establisment of a Money Unit, and of a Coinage for the United States", read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
Image of the week
Wayne Homren, Editor
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