Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest.
The Numismatic Industry of Colorado
This Denver Gazette article touts the numismatic industry footprint in Colorado.
The clicking of the bulletproof 1930s vintage Brandt Coin Sorter and Counter is both constant and unforgettable, as it spits out coin after coin while Tim Jackson is busy talking shop to a recent visitor from behind his desk at the Corner Coin and Jewelry Inc.
To read the complete article (subscription required), see:
Colorado's coin industry rivals that of just about any other state in U.S.
L. E. Bruun: A Collector in His Time
Here's a CoinsWeekly article by Ursula Kampmann about collector L. E. Bruun.
To read the complete article, see:
L. E. Bruun: A Collector in His Time
Drawing Numismatists at the ANS Gala
This article was written by an artist who drew caricatures of the recent ANS Gala at the Century Club in New York. Sorry I missed the fun!
I was led down to the sitting room, where Mohammed—a fellow caricaturist from Morocco—and I were soon stationed at a table, armed with markers and a stack of round coasters upon which we were to draw cartoons of esteemed guests for the ensuing hours…
The event was a gala for the American Numismatic Society's International Convention— an annual gathering of coin obsessives that is only rivalled by that of the International Philatelic Society's Convention. Yes, these are real things, and they are very passionate people. The round coasters had the logo on one side, and were blank on the obverse— this was where Mo and I were to draw people's faces where the effigy of a monarch would usually reside.
There should be a German word for the specific dread that comes with realizing you're about to draw caricatures of wealthy people on objects specifically designed to catch condensation.
I have a wee bit of experience designing coins, having made commemorative editions with the Perth Mint and Royal Australian Mint in 2011 and 2021 to celebrate the 90th & 100th anniversaries of Ginger Meggs
The numismatists approached our little station one by one, each with the barely contained excitement of someone about to be immortalized on bar paraphernalia. "I have an 1804 Silver Dollar," one ruddy-faced gentleman told me as I sketched his remarkably coin-like face. "Only fifteen known to exist". His tone had the same reverence I'd just heard in Peter Kuper's voice discussing Saxon's line.
To read the complete article, see:
Small Circles: On Drawing Numismatists and Finding Your Own Kind
Wayne Homren, Editor
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