Four days of the Künker auction week are dedicated to medieval and modern issues. The sale includes part 2 of the collection on Württemberg's minted history.
Künker's Spring Auction Sales: Netherlands, Württemberg, Anhalt and Much More
Every coin enthusiast knows that Künker holds its Spring Auction Sales in mid-March. The coins can be viewed not only at the headquarters in Osnabrück, but also in Munich – before and during the Numismata. More information can be found on the Künker website and in the catalog.
There will be plenty to see, as four heavy-weight auctions will take place over the five days. A separate preview is dedicated to ancient coins, which will kick off the auction week on Monday, 17 March. This preview exclusively presents the three auctions with coins and medals from medieval and modern times.
On Tuesday, 18 March 2025, auction 420 will offer the third part of the Lodewijk S. Beuth Collection with Dutch issues. Auction 421 follows on 19 March 2025 with the second part of the Heinz-Falk Gaiser Collection with Württemberg coins. The week will be rounded off by auction 422 with world coins and medals. It includes the Dr. Kurt Sonnenberg Collection of coins from the various lines of the House of Anhalt.
Auction 421: Heinz-Falk Gaiser Collection – Part 2: Minted History of Württemberg
On 10 January 1693, the Emperor proclaimed the only 15-year-old Eberhard Louis of Württemberg of age so that the latter could rule the duchy himself after his guardian had been captured. Eberhard Louis was one of the most innovative rulers to ascend the throne of Württemberg. He shaped the destiny of his duchy for more than 40 years. The second part of the Gaiser Collection begins with Eberhard Louis' accession to power, and presents rarities of Württemberg coinage. As a dedicated specialist collector, Heinz-Falk Gaiser focused not only on the great rarities of this field such as double ducats or multiple talers. Connoisseurs will also find a rich selection of fractional pieces in the best possible condition in his collection. Therefore, Künker's auction 421 has something in store for every budget: from double ducats in the five-figure range to inconspicuous fractional coins with estimates starting at 25 euros.
In this catalog, Heinz-Falk Gaiser's minted history of Württemberg covers seven dukes up to 1796, when Duke Friedrich Eugen suffered a stroke during the peace negotiations following the military disaster against revolutionary France.
No. 2001: Württemberg. Eberhard Louis, 1693-1733. 2 ducats, 1699, Stuttgart. From the Gaiser Collection. From the Virgil M. Brand Collection, Leu auction 69 (1997), No. 5437. Very rare. Extremely fine to FDC. Estimate: 10,000 euros
No. 2014: Württemberg. Eberhard Louis, 1693-1733. 1697 reichstaler, Stuttgart. From the Gaiser Collection. From the R. Finckh Collection, Meister & Sonntag auction 7 (2009), No. 239. Very rare. About FDC. Estimate: 5,000 euros
No. 2067: Württemberg. Charles Alexander, 1733-1737. 1736 ducat, Stuttgart. From the Gaiser Collection. From the Schlossberger Collection, Hirsch auction 145 (1985), No. 1925. Very rare. Extremely fine to FDC. Estimate: 10,000 euros
No. 2081: Württemberg. Siege of Landau. One-sided klippe of 2 guldens and 8 kreuzers, 1713. From the Gaiser Collection. From Hirsch auction 308 (2015), No. 3423. About extremely fine. Estimate: 1,000 euros
No. 2092: Württemberg. Karl Friedrich, administrator for Karl Eugen, 1738-1744. 1739 reichstaler, Stuttgart. From the Gaiser Collection. From Künker auction 305 (2018), No. 4429. Very rare. About extremely fine. Estimate: 5,000 euros
No. 2177: Württemberg. Karl Eugen, 1744-1793. 1790 ducat, Stuttgart. From the Gaiser Collection. From the Schlossberger Collection, Hirsch 181 (1994), No. 2284. Very rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 8,000 euros
To order a catalog contact Künker, Nobbenburger Straße 4a, 49076 Osnabrück; phone: +49 541 / 962020; fax: +49 541 / 9620222; or via e-mail: You can access the auction catalogs online at If you want to submit your bid from your computer at home, please remember to register for this service in good time.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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