And while the Mint's not selling them, while supplies last you might be able to buy a 2025 Donald Trump Official Inaugural Medal...someday, maybe. From today's Political & Presidential Collectible New Listings
from Lori Ferber Collectibles.
2025 Donald Trump Official Inaugural Medal. This is the medal you have been reading about. We are pleased to offer this official 2025 Inaugural Medal to our friends and clients. We have only four available and in order to be fair to all our customers there is a strict limit of only one per customer - in fact we will reject any orders of more than one.
This official Trump medal, is to the best of our knowledge only available in bronze with an antiqued finish, the obverse illustrates jugate portraits of Trump with his vice president J.D. Vance facing left. Inscribed around is INAUGURATION · 47th PRESIDENT · JANUARY · 20 · 2025. The reverse is inscribed DONALD J./TRUMP above J.D./VANCE. It includes the original box and stand. It is our understanding that none were issued with Certificates or brochures.
For Inaugural medal collectors this has been a frustrating journey mired in misinformation, speculation and secrecy as to what the plans were for the 2025 official inaugural medal. Several "proposed" medals have shown up on the market, some of which are attractive but were not selected by the inaugural committee, and others are cheap imports.
At this point in time, it is our understanding that there are no plans for the Inaugural Committee (which has pretty much disbanded at this time) to produce an official inaugural medal that will be available to the general public.
However, as you may have read about in the press, Medalcraft Mint was engaged by the Inaugural Committee to produce an official medal that was distributed in swag/gift bags to those VIPs who were present in the Rotunda at the inauguration.
We now have acquired four of these rare medals and we are offering them to our clients on a first come first served basis...
Will we ever acquire more? At this point Medalcraft Mint says there are no plans to reissue any more of these medals and it sounds doubtful that any more will be produced in the future. But that puts us in a tough position, which we hope our customers will understand....
We paid dearly for these medals in order to provide these medals to our good customers who receive our weekly You Snooze You Lose Sunday emails. But we only have four. Is $895 a fair price? If indeed these medals are never reissued then this may be the deal of the century akin, dare we say, to the Harding, Coolidge, and TR Tiffany medals. If they do, although it seems doubtful, reissue the medals then this was a high price to pay by all of us. Of course, there is always hope that some of the medals that were produced for the gift bags will show up on the market in the years to come. In fact, we will be the first ones in line to try and purchase them.
These are already sold out.
For more information, or to order, see:
2025 Donald Trump Official Inaugural Medal
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