The Ancient Coin Collectors Guild Benefit Auction will close on March 19. Please consider bidding, as the funds generated will help pay for advocacy work, particularly for HR 595, a bill to facilitate the lawful trade in historical coins. More on HR 595 can be found here:
ATTICA, Athens.
Circa 454-404 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.15 g, 7h). Helmeted head of Athena right, with frontal eye / Owl standing right, head facing, closed tail feathers; olive spray and crescent to left; all within incuse square. Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Toned, a few minor flan flaws and light scratches on obverse. Good VF.
To read the complete item description, see:
ATTICA, Athens.
Aelia Pulcheria or Aelia Eudocia.
Augusta, AD 414-453 or 423-460. Æ (12mm, 1.29 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck under Theodosius II, AD 423-425. Pearl-diademed and draped bust right / Empress enthroned facing, head right, placing both hands on breast; star to left; [CONS]. RIC X 427 or 428; LRBC 2228 or 2230. Dark brown-green and earthen patina, minor cleaning scratches. Good Fine. Very rare. With much of the legend off flan, it is difficult to definitively distinguish which empress this issue belongs to. Regardless, both issues are very rare.
To read the complete item description, see:
Aelia Pulcheria or Aelia Eudocia.
Justinian I.
527-565. AV Solidus (21.5mm, 4.47 g, 6h). Constantinople mint, 7th officina. Struck 537-542. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield / Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; star to right; Z//CONOB. DOC (8e); MIBE 6; SB 139. In NGC encapsulation 8211528-002, graded MS, Strike: 2/5, Surface: 2/5, Die shift, scratches, wrinkled.
To read the complete item description, see:
Justinian I.
Pre-reform issues, Arab-Byzantine. Early Pseudo-Byzantine coinage.
Æ Fals (20mm, 4.92 g, 6h). Type F (Standing emperor). Uncertain Syrian mint. Struck circa 647-658. Imperial Byzantine figure (Constans II) standing facing, holding cross-tipped staff and globus cruciger / Large M, cross above, A or inverted ? below; A/N/O and ?[...] across field; (retrograde D) in exergue. SICA I, –; DOCAB –; Album 3505. Brown patina, some roughness. VF. Rare.
Ex Wayne G. Sayles inventory JTC-603; Byzantine Coin Store (Larry Gaye) inventory 1137.
To read the complete item description, see:
Pre-reform issues, Arab-Byzantine. Early Pseudo-Byzantine coinage.
Arabia, Local Coinage. Anonymous copper issues.
Circa AH 1165-1215 / AD 1750-1800. CU Fals (6mm, 0.44 g, 10h). Pictorial issue (Lion left). ‘Ar‘ar mint. Undated issue. Album M1166.3 Zeno –. Brown patina. VF.
Ex Wayne G. Sayles inventory JTC-565; Album inventory 62364.
To read the complete item description, see:
Arabia, Local Coinage. Anonymous copper issues.
FRANCE, Royal. Henri IV le Grand (the Great).
1589–1610. Æ Medal (40mm, 32.47 g, 12h). By Droz. Puymaurin, director. Struck early 19th century. HENRICVS IIII D G FR ET NAV REX, armored and draped bust right / IL FUT/ DE SES SUJETS/ LE VAINQUEUR/ ET LE PERE; below, pelican feeding young in nest; all within wreath. Brown surfaces. EF.
Ex David J. Fleischmann Collection (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 471, 1 July 2020), lot 565.
To read the complete item description, see:
FRANCE, Royal. Henri IV le Grand (the Great).
FRANCE, Royal. Louis XV le Bien-Aimé (the Well-Beloved), with Louis and Marie Antoinette.
1715–1774. Æ Medal (41mm, 39.47 g, 12h). The Marriage of the Dauphin (Louis XVI) and Marie Antoinette. Dated 1770. LUD · XV · REX · CHRISTIANISS, head right / LUD · AUG · DELPHIN · ET · M · ANT · JOS · II · IMP · II · SOROR ·, confronted busts of busts of Louis and Marie Antoinette; in exergue, M · DCC · XIV ·. Brown surfaces, spot of discoloration, minor marks on surface and edge. EF.
To read the complete item description, see:
FRANCE, Royal. Louis XV le Bien-Aimé (the Well-Beloved), with Louis and Marie Antoinette.
SWITZERLAND. Leo Mildenberg, numismatist.
1913-2001. Æ Medal (49mm, 73.37 g, 12h). Celebrating his 70th Birthday. By Calico. Dated 1983. Bust left; to left, LEO MILDENBERG/ NVMISMATIKER / Three Judaean coins; in exergue, ANNIVERSARIO/ LXX/ ZÜRICH 1983. EF.
Reportedly Mildenberg's personal example.
To read the complete item description, see:
SWITZERLAND. Leo Mildenberg, numismatist.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Wayne Homren, Editor
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