Dick Hanscom edits the Alaskan Token Collector & Polar Numismatist.
With permission, we're republishing this excerpt of an article on the Department of Commerce Gold Medal from the March 2025 edition. Thank you!
A Department of Commerce Medal of Award for Exceptional Service to F.H. Wheeler, Feb. 14, 1951 makes
for interesting research which indicates that this is Floyd
Hall Wheeler. From his obituary in the Anchorage Daily
News, March 25, 1995:
Mr. Wheeler was born Dec. 31, 1921 in Kotzebue, to
Orlando and Carrie Wheeler, the fourth of seven children. He served in the U.S. Army Infantry from Dec.
11, 1942, to Oct. 17, 1945, in the 1st Combat Intelligence Platoon during the Aleutian Campaign. He was
awarded the Pacific Theater Medal, Bronze Star and
Good Conduct Medal. During the early 1950s, he was
awarded a Presidential Medal of Heroism by President Dwight Eisenhower for rescuing stranded Eskimo
hunters with his airboat. Mr. Wheeler served as a former
home-police patrolman and worked with the Civil Aeronautics Administration/Federal Aviation Administration in Nome and Tanana from 1945 to 1982, when he
retired in Nome.
It appears that the obituary is incorrect. I can find no
information about Mr. Wheeler receiving the "Presidential Medal of Heroism." But I did find an account
of the Exceptional Service noted on the medal.
Nome Nugget, June 16, 1950.
Floyd Wheeler of the CAA here who rescued two King
Island Eskimos Frank Pushka and Tommy Alasuk a
couple weeks ago when they were adrift on an ice floe
about 15 miles off-shore, has been given a letter of
commendation by the CAA for heroic service under
hazardous conditions, according to reports.
The natives, who were spotted by an MAFB plane, were
unable to use the rubber craft dropped them, due to the
strong north wind. Wheeler went out in a small boat
with an outboard motor and rescued the men in about
an hour, but due to the strong northerly wind and rough
sea took about 5 hours getting back.
Nome Nugget, February 7, 1951.
An announcement was made yesterday by R.L. Hall,
station manager for the C.A.A. here that Floyd Wheeler
is to be awarded a gold medal by the Department of
Commerce from the Employee Award Board for exceptional Service...
The highly prize award is made annually to Department of Commerce employees. Floyd Wheeler has been
with the C.A.A. since May 1946, and resides in Nome
with his family.
He will be sent by plane, probably next Sunday, stated
Mr. Hall, to Washington, D.C. to receive the award
February 14...
Heritage has listed only one of these medals, a 1966
version, weighing 51.5 grams, testing 14K. This medal is a bit lighter at 46 grams, presumably 14K. Both
sides were designed by Frank Gasparro.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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