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Welcome to The E-sylum: Volume 2, Number 8: February 22, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. NEW SUBSCRIBERS New subscribers this week are E. Tomlinson Fort and Peter Irion. Mr. Fort is a researcher and author on medieval coinages, and is active in PAN, the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists. Mr. Irion is a Board member and Librarian of the Token and Medal Society (TAMS). Including the NBS Officers (who I forgot to count last time), we now have 138 subscribers. Peter writes: "I always like being kept informed of society happenings and new book releases. I think this is a great method of keeping in touch with the NBS community, and I really look forward to receiving future issues." MASTERS OF OUR DOMAIN We have another announcement this week - the NBS is proud to report that we now have our own internet domain address - COINBOOKS.ORG. This easy-to-remember name is the home of a newly updated version of the NBS web site. (The old version, so graciously hosted for us by the A.N.A., will be phased out). WEB SITE BIBLIOGRAPHY Member Larry Mitchell is making a major contribution to the new web site - he's compiling a general numismatic bibliography. So far he's developed bibliographies for twenty-six areas. As stated on the contents page, "Our goal here is very simple: to identify major English-language references in a variety of numismatic disciplines." We hope this information will be a useful starting point for collectors and researchers. WEB SITE SPONSORS The new NBS web site also features a sponsor page. All members in good standing are welcome to place an advertisement relating to numismatic literature. Dealers may announce sales and link to their private web sites. Individual collectors can post their want lists and sell or trade duplicates. Ad sales help defray NBS costs. DAVIS SALE Charles Davis has released the catalog for his next sale of numismatic literature. The closing date is March 13, 1999. The sale includes selections from various consignors, including Part III of the Theophile Leon library and Part IV of the Frank Van Zandt library. The catalog text and many lot illustrations are available on Davis' website: http://members.aol.com:/numislit http://members.aol.com:/davisnumis CONTEMPORARY REPORT OF AN EARLY COIN SALE In the "Show-N-Tell" category, here's an interesting account from an unnamed and undated newspaper article pasted onto the endpapers of my copy of the 1846 book by William Du Bois, "Pledges of History." The book is the first record of the cabinet of coins at the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. The article describes a coin sale, probably the March 25, 1862 sale of the John K. Wiggin collection by Edward Cogan in Philadelphia: "RARE AMERICAN COINS AND MEDALS - A NOVEL SALE A sale somewhat curious and interesting took place, a few evenings ago, in Tenth street, consisting of nine hundred and eighty lots of rare American coins and medals. Mr. William C. Cook acted as auctioneer. The bidding was very spirited, especially for the finer pieces. Among the numismatoloists present we noticed Messrs. Strawbridge, and McCoy, of New York, Mr. Cohen, of Baltimore, Leavitt, of Cincinnati, Chambers, of Providence, Bertah, of Mauch Chunk; and of Philadelphia, Messrs. Coffin, Zehnder, Jenks, Mickle, Cauffman, Emlen, Moneita, Potts, Humphries, Jones, Nipper, Clarke, Cline, and others. Below we give prices of some of the finer pieces, which no doubt will prove interesting to many of our readers." The article went on to list prices of fifty-seven lots. Top bids were for a 1796 Half Dollar "remarkably fine and rare," $28, an 1854 proof set, $21, an "excellent impression" of a 1799 cent, $14, and a 1794 Half Dime "proof, very rare," $8.13. The account is an interesting window into the golden age of American numismatics. Although the reporter misspelled many of the names, they are still recognizable as including the major numismatic figures of the day. What fun we "numismatoloists" of today would have if we could be transported back to that sale. Pleasant dreams... FEATURED WEB SITE What else? http://www.CoinBooks.org/ Check it out! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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