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Welcome to The E-sylum: Volume 2, Number 9: March 1, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. NEW SUBSCRIBERS No new subscribers this week; keep passing the word. Who do you know who would be interested in joining us? Denis Loring has posted a notice of our new web address to the rec.collecting.coins internet newsgroup. Where else should we be publicizing ourselves? INDEXING THE E-SYLUM Member William Malkmus, compiler of the index for The Asylum writes: "It had to happen sometime -- but with the official christening of the 'E-sylum' we will have to meet it head on! ... doubtless, someone will eventually have to compile an 'E-ndex' to the 'E-sylum'." He was concerned about the numbering and dating of the early issues of what is now the E-Sylum. Luckily, NBS Historian Joel Orosz and I have been archiving them, and sometime later this year we plan to add the archive to the NBS web site. WEB SITE BIBLIOGRAPHY Larry Mitchell is steadily working on the general numismatic bibliography for our web site. Sections 27-30 have been added this week. Please let us know if you have any comments: http://www.coinbooks.org/ Click on "Bibliography". RAY ELLENBOGEN We were saddened to hear this week of the death of Raphael "Ray" Ellenbogen of the Columbus, OH area. A longtime NBS member and Asylum contributor, Ray was an avid collector and researcher of paper money. He served on the board of the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC), and had just attended the recent F.U.N. show in Orlando, FL. John and Nancy Wilson noted "he was a gentleman's gentleman, and will be missed." DAVID and SHERRY SKLOW In more Ohio news, Dave and Sherry Sklow of The Money Tree have completed their long-planned move to the Cleveland area. Dave took over the task of cataloging Money Tree literature sales after the death of Ken Lowe. Once the Sklows get settled in their new home, we can look forward to more regular Money Tree sale catalogs and coin show appearances. RECOMMENDED U.S. COPPER TITLES Carl Honore "would like to recommend two volumes to collectors of early American copper. These are two anthologies. The first is entitled United States Large Cents 1793-1857 and edited by Warren Lapp and Herb Silberman. ... There is information on anything and everything from uses and abuses of large cents ... to "A Visit To The Mint, in 1812". The second recommended volume is Early American Copper Anthology published by Sanford Durst. This book contains the collected works of Sylvester Crosby, Frossard and Hays, S. Chapman, Clapp and Newcomb, and ends with an essay on the Oscar Pearl collection by Abe Kosoff. The collector can appreciate the work of Sheldon-Breen-Paschal more by reading the works of their predecessors. " FEATURED WEB SITE Also thanks to Denis Loring, there is a new link to the NBS web site on Bob Johnson's GOLDSHEET Numismatic Directory at http://goldsheet.simplenet.com/coins.htm Online since July 1995, GOLDSHEET is one of the oldest and now the largest collection of coin sites, over 1200 links. Check it out and if you find a site of special interest to bibliophiles and other numismatic researchers, please let us know and we'll feature it here in a later issue. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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