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Welcome to The E-sylum: Volume 2, Number 17: April 25, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES Terry L. Guthrie is our newest member, bringing the number of subscribers to 153. Welcome aboard! GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH Board Member Pete Smith writes: "I would like to react to the featured web site http://www.ancestry.com/ I have used the web extensively for genealogical research. I have found that the commercial sites usually give access to free sites that are just as available without going through the commercial site. My favorite site for genealogical research is http://www.gendex.com/ It is a free site that provides an index for more than 10 million names. (although many are duplicates) It provides links to private web pages that include family history in different formats. Once I land on a site that has a name that I want, I usually find that the site has much more on that family that is also of interest. A word of warning on the use of the web for genealogical research as well as other research. There is a lot of garbage out there. Some people are not careful about what they put on their web pages and include family links that are not correct. Others make mistakes in transcribing information from other sources. A researcher has to learn what looks trustworthy and what looks suspicious. If the information is important, it should be confirmed through a reliable source." 1802 HALF DIME UPDATE Board Member Joel Orosz had a few tidbits for David Davis' research: "In the Cohen sale (1875), the buyer was Herman Ely at $23.00." "In the Levick sale (1859), my priced and named copy says the buyer was "Wilson", and the price was a munificent $1.80. Of course, Cogan did describe it as "poor". I assume that "Wilson" was Rathmel Wilson, of Wilmington, Delaware. He was a buyer in the Lewis Roper sale of 1851, and purchased, from the grandnephew of Charles Thomson, the Nova Constellatio mark and quint. See Bowers, History of U.S. Coinage, pp. 134-35, and Garrett 1, lots 620 and 621." Joel's report presents a problem, since others have reported that their catalogs record the lot as a no sale. Hmmm. LIBERTAS AMERICANA From the March, 1783 issue of the Gentleman's Magazine of London: "In commemoration of the American war, and the independence of America that succeeded it, Dr. Franklin has caused a medal to be struck. It represents Hercules in his cradle, strangling two serpents; a leopard, amazed at his strength, is about to fall upon him; he is repulsed by France, who, under the figure of Minerva, turns her shield, on which are three fleurs de lis, towards him. At bottom are the years 1777 and 1781, epochs of the capitulations of the armies of Burgoyne and Cornwallis, represented by the two serpents. On the other side is Liberty, emblematically portrayed by a fine woman; and in the exurgue, Libertas Americana." FEATURED WEB SITE Tom Fort found the web site for the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, Scotland: http://www.gla.ac.uk/Museum "They have a nice numismatic section, including material on Scottish communion tokens." Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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