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Welcome to The E-sylum: Volume 2, Number 18: May 2, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES Our newest member is Tsan-Sheng Hsu of Taiwan who wrote: "I collect numismatic books and enjoy browsing your web site. Please add me into your email list." "I live in Taiwan, but had stayed in the US for more than 5 years several years ago. I began my collecting of numismatic books more than 15 years ago, mainly on oriental numismatics. First I collected books written in Chinese, but am now including books written in English and other languages. I am interested in any numismatic book related to the oriental, in particular Taiwan and China. I participate many US numismatic book auctions year round, including G. F. Kolbe, R. Bourne and the Katens." (Email address: tshsu@iis.sinica.edu.tw) FRANK KATEN UPDATE Speaking of Frank Katen, Remy Bourne reports that Frank is "Doing just fine but slowing down with age." Frank, now in his 90's, is probably no slower than many of us half his age. The late Ken Lowe of The Money Tree often stated that "Frank will outlive us all", and at this rate, maybe he will. RESEARCH REQUEST NBS member W. David Perkins, an early silver dollar (1794-1803) collector and researcher, requests assistance from anyone who might know the answer to the following: "According to a copy (with buyer's initials) of the Lester Merkin September 18, 1968 Public Auction Sale, lot 272, a 1799/8 B-1 silver dollar in About Uncirculated (lot is plated in the sale catalog) was purchased by a collector or dealer with the initials "J.O.K." Does anyone know who the initials J.O.K. stand for? [This same specimen was later offered in the Bowers & Merena Mann & Smedley sale, September 13, 1988:363 (lot is plated in this sale also). It is unknown if more than one person owned this silver dollar from 1968 to1998.]" 17TH CENTURY NUMISMATIC LITERATURE Christian Dekesel writes: "Having published a comprehensive bibliography of 16th century numismatic publications (Spink 1997), I am currently working on the 17th century. I would like to hear from any of your members who are willing to inform me about their 17th century holdings. I am willing to enter into correspondence concerning that matter. My e-mail address is : bibnumsil@pandora.be 1802 HALF DIME MYSTERY SOLVED In an email message that disappeared into the ether before reaching your editor last week, Joel Orosz wrote to clear up the apparent mystery surrounding the Levick sale coin: "Actually, David, I can solve that small problem right now. I forgot to mention, in my message below, that the entire line -- lot number, description, price realized, and Wilson's name -- is crossed out in pencil in my copy of the Levick sale. This confirms what the other respondents have said about it being a no sale. Sorry I omitted that rather important point!" EARLY COPPER ROBBERY John Baumgart posted the following notice to other internet mailing lists, and since the nature of the material is very specialized and of interest to many of our readers, I'll repeat it here: "Tom Reynolds, one of the premiere dealers in early American copper (colonial issues, large cents, half cents) was robbed of approximately $1 million in inventory in Omaha Sunday night. Please watch for any choice early (pre-1857) U.S. copper being offered for sale. A reward has been offered for return of material Contact Tom Reynolds or the Omaha (Nebraska) Police Department with any information." FEATURED WEB SITE There's a first time for everything, and I believe this will be the first time we repeat a featured web site - the United States Mint: http://www.usmint.gov/ On April 21st, your editor had the pleasure of visiting Philip Diehl, Director of the United States Mint, in his Washington, D.C. office. The purpose of the visit was to promote the return of the U.S. Assay Commission, a concept being promoted by the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists under the leadership of Chairman Don Carlucci, who arranged our visit. In our conversation Diehl noted that on May 4th, the mint web site would feature a live "webcast" of the unveiling of the new dollar coin design in a ceremony at the White House, with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton officiating. So, be sure to check out the mint web site on Tuesday, May 4th. http://www.usmint.gov/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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