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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 2, Number 41: October 10, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES New subscribers this week are Ed Zimmerman, Susan Nulty, the ANA's web site manager, and Hector Carlos Janson of Argentina. This brings our subscriber count to 243. Welcome aboard! Also, subscriber Darryl Atchison and his wife Fiona of Ireland "are proud to announce the birth of their new daughter, born at 3:23 a.m. October 7th." Congratulations! PUBLICATION NOTES The 1997 Coinage of the Americas Conference proceedings have been published by the ANS - "The Medal in America, Volume 2" . The book has a marvelous selection of papers on the topic, leading off with John W. Adams' "The Peace Medals of George III", The November 1999 issue of COINage magazine has an extensive article on "The Great Assay Bar Debate" by Tom DeLorey, along with Part II of Richard G. Doty's article on "The Great Seal and American Numismatics". Great, great! The October 11, 1999 issue of COIN WORLD contains Part One of William T. Gibbs' article on John Leonard Riddell, "scientist, physician, professor of chemistry, and melter and refiner at the New Orleans Mint." One little- known source of information for the article is a rare pamphlet on the New Orleans Mint published by Riddell in 1845. Eric P. Newman discovered the pamphlet and reprinted it in the April 1968 issue of The Numismatist. ANA LIBRARY NOTES The September 1999 issue of The Numismatist contains this note of interest to bibliophiles on page 1067: "ANA Member James Bixler, a certified appraiser and rare book dealer, has prepared a preliminary bibliography of the ANA Library's rare books. To acquaint readers with the richness and variety of the ANA's holdings, this column regularly highlights one of these fine publications." The month's featured book was donated by J. Roy Pennell, Jr. - "Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusets-Bay in New England", 1743. Some of the interesting non-numismatic laws include an "Act for the Relief of Idiots and Distracted Persons." Does that include bibliomaniacs...? As Librarian Nawana Britenriker noted in her presentation to NBS at the recent ANA convention, bibliophiles can help support the library's efforts by joining FOLIS (Friends of the Library/Libris in Socii). For details, contact Nawana via email at library@money.org. ANS LIBRARY NOTES The Summer 1999 newsletter of the American Numismatic Society notes "Since our last progress report, another 23 boxes of library cards have been returned from Gaylord Information Services of Liverpool, NY, bringing the library's catalogue conversion project to approximately 80% completion. ... The auction card catalogue will be converted next." When the ANS catalogues finally go online it will be a banner day for numismatic research. BASS III SALE REPORT Karl Moulton provided the following report on the Bass sale, which had less than ten floor bidders: "As expected, the prices realized were usually at or far above George Kolbe's conservative estimates. Any successful bidder had to "reach" for most everything. Comments such as "unbelievable" or "that's a new record" were heard after several winning bids. The book was strong, but I would guess that nearly a third of the U.S. material went to floor bidders or to phone bidders. At one point, on lot #411, the set of Woodward's @$16,000, the bidding was done by two different phone bidders. It was rather interesting to just sit and watch the price increments of $1,000 go back and forth with the two phone agents. Speaking of phone bidders, there appears to be a new bidder for the top end material, based on results of this and the last Bass sale. Although a few dealers know this person, he wishes to remain anonymous for the time being. All told, this sale proves once again that Harry Bass was one of the more knowledgeable numismatists of the past 50 years. When all of the Harry Bass library is finally sold, it will stand as a high mark in numismatic literature for many years." BREEN'S WIFE DIES The wife of the late numismatic researcher Walter Breen is dead. In a New York Times article republished in other newspapers September 30th, "Marion Zimmer Bradley, a science fiction writer and creator of the Darkover series of fantasies died Saturday in Alta Bates Medical Center in Berkeley, Calif. She was 69 and lived in Berkeley." One of Walter's non-numismatic works is "The Darkover Concordance, A Reader's Guide", a companion volume to Bradley's series, published in 1979. SOMETHING FISHY IS GOING ON On back-to-back pages of the October 1999 issue of Bank Note Reporter, currency dealer and fishing aficionado Tom Denly is running an interesting promotion. The first page is a normal ad, featuring some rare colonial notes, and currency books and supplies. The second page is "Free Fish Wrap" for Tom's "Best Fish Story" contest. "... the winner will get 4 - 2 lb. fresh lobsters packed in pure Massachusetts seaweed." That's one way to recycle old hobby periodicals. VIGNETTE BOOK DISMEMBERED In another form of recycling, the same issue of Bank Note Reporter also carries a full-page ad from Arri Jacob, a California currency dealer, selling "Rare Proof Vignettes Found on U.S. Currency! All vignettes are the same as found on U.S. currency. These vignettes came from a rare presentation book the Bureau of Engraving and Printing made during the late 1860's to mid 1870's. There are less than 50 of these vignette books known." Well, it looks like now the population is "less than 49." Wait ... was that the sound of a bibliophile turning in his grave ... ? ADS SUPPORT BOOK PUBLICATION COSTS While on the subject of the effects of commerce on numismatic literature, consider the ad from BNR Press on the opposite page, promoting the new book by Carlson R. Chambliss, "U. S. Paper Money Guide and Handbook" Yours truly picked up one of these at the recent ANA show for a mere $20, a welcome low price in light of the three-digit pricetags seen on some books lately. The hardbound 480-page book's "ultra low introductory price" was "supported by our sponsors." By my count there 42 pages of ads from currency dealers and coin clubs such as the ANA and FUN. Any comments on the practice? I guess I'm all for anything that keeps the price down while still delivering a quality product. But boosting the pagecount of every book by 10% chews up shelfspace. Where would bibliophiles prefer to draw the line? Ads in books are nothing new. For example, they were a common feature of George Evans' History of the United States Mint. The 1891 edition features 11 pages of ads for Philadelphia businesses. Only a couple of these relate to coins, but there were only a handful of dealers at that time. Other advertisers include a business college, a dealer in "Human Hair Goods", a photographer, a jeweler, a printer, and a gas lamp manufacturer. The final ad notes: "When you have seen the Mint you haven't seen everything worth seeing in this City. There's another establishment here over whose threshold enough men and women have passed to make a fair-sized commonwealth. The home of the COMPOUND OXYGEN TREATMENT, 1529 Arch Street. Everybody welcome. Consultation free." "COMPOUND OXYGEN is shipped to all parts of the world. It can be used with full effect in the privacy of home." CIVIL WAR TOKEN RESEARCH Speaking of ads, Dave Bowers is looking for "contemporary advertisements, newspaper notices, paper material, trial strikings, dies, etc., relating to the origin and history of Civil War Tokens," according to a back-page ad in the Fall 1999 issue of The Civil War Token Journal. Contact Dave via email at this address: chris@bowersandmerena.com. FEATURED WEB SITE Jan Monroe writes: "Thanks for the tip on the article on scanning coins by Chuck D'Ambra and a tip of the hat to Chuck for his help. I plan to make immediate use of this information for my forthcoming book on Official State Anniversary Medals." This week's featured web site is the French Mint. http://www.monnaiedeparis.com/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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