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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 2, Number 42: October 17, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES New subscribers this week are Victoria Stone Moledor of COIN WORLD, and Gene of GLR Coins. This brings our subscriber count to 245. Welcome aboard! VIGNETTE BOOK UPDATE In response to last week's note about a Vignette book "dismemberment" by dealer Arri Jacob, Ken Barr writes: "I know Arri pretty well, and he is quite bibliofriendly, owning more than one of the "Portraits and Vignettes" books mentioned in his ad. The pieces offered are from a volume which was already *thoroughly* disbound when he acquired it ... <Move along folks, nothing to see here ..." Thanks for the update, Ken, and our apologies to Arri. ADS IN BOOKS? In response to the question regarding placing advertising in books, Morten Eske Mortensen of Copenhagen writes: "The ultimate solution that keeps end-price of books down is this: THAT THE USERS/COLLECTORS/READERS BUY A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF COPIES OF THE BOOKS IN QUESTION. In case the users/collectors/readers only buy a (relatively) few copies of a given title, THE PRICE TAG of this title will have to be INCREASED accordingly." GEORGE FREDERICK KOLBE 79TH SALE George Frederick Kolbe's 79th auction sale of "Important Numismatic Books" will close on Saturday, November 13th, 1999. Printed catalogues will be sent free of charge to E-Sylum subscribers. Email: numislit@compuserve.com Highlights include a large selection of antiquarian numismatic books, major works on ancient coins; English token classics including Chetwynd and Pye/Waters; numerous classic and standard works on Latin American and Hispano American coins and medals; sets of major American and British numismatic periodicals, and a British numismatic library. FUNCTION ASSOCIATES 49TH SALE Function Associates is holding its 49th Mail-Bid Sale of Numismatic Literature with a closing date of November 30, 1999. The sale is Part One of selections from the library of the Harry W. Bass, Jr. Research Foundation. The sale includes hardbound U. S. auction catalogs, books and periodicals covering medals & tokens, paper money, ancient coins, exonumia and other numismatic subjects. E-Sylum subscribers may request a free copy of the catalog to be sent via US Mail or as an email attachment (in either MS-Word, WordPerfect or PDF format). Contact Fred Lake at fredlake@aol.com. MATTHEW STICKNEY PICTURE SOUGHT Pete Smith writes: "I have a question for E-Sylum readers: Does anyone have a picture, photo or drawing, of Matthew A. Stickney, the nineteenth century collector and one-time owner of the Stickney 1804 dollar? Can anyone identify previous publication of such a picture?" MORE ON KOLBE'S BASS 3 SALE George Kolbe notes "Bass 3 did very well: estimates in 190,000's, sale brought just over $250,000 (incl. 10%) and 94% of lots sold. There were 21 registered floor bidders, perhaps 3 or 4 represented by proxy. Though there were only about 10 in the room when the sale started, the others came in and out during the course of the sale and virtually all were "dead serious" with only one or two floor bidders failing to participate in the bidding. The 3 Bass sales to date total $817,000 and the June 10, 2000 sale may well we the biggest of the four." SECOND BANCO CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR PUBLICATION SOUGHT Further to his request in Vol. 2, No. 40, Victor S. Holden of Hong Kong, China, is looking for a copy of a second Banco Central del Ecuador publication: 'REVISTA ECUATORIANA DE HISTORIA ECONOMICA (published in 4 Vols., 1987-88) Vol. 2: PAPER MONEY'. As previously, if anyone has a copy they are willing to part with (only Vol. 2 of the 4 Vols. is of interest), or if there is someone who could provide Victor with photocopies of selected extracts for research purposes, he would like to hear from them. Victor's e-mail address is: victorh@hknet.com. EBAY COLLECTIBLES SHOW REPORT NBS Vice-President David Sklow filed this report from last week's coin and collectibles show sponsored by Ebay in Columbus, OH: "Great show, great seminars and great ebay support, but no people!!! If you can imagine, at the ribbon cutting there were only a few dozen people. I was there Friday 11:00 AM, empty! Again Saturday at noon, empty! The convention floor was large with wide aisles. There were a lot of dealers. Ebay did a bang-up job all around. I guess Columbus really isn't the numismatic hub of the world!" Actually Dave, this fits in well with the Ebay master plan. Soon those pesky, smelly humans will be replaced with robot buyers and sellers, trading collectibles in dark rooms at optimal efficiency ... FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Penningkabinet, the Netherlands National Museum of Coins and Medals. http://www.penningkabinet.nl/Eng/index.eng.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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