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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 2, Number 44: October 31, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES Just one new subscriber this week - Del Murchison of Ontario, Canada. Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 247. HOW TO GET THE ASYLUM Some of our readers, curious to read Joel Orosz' article on The Great Debate in the latest issue of The Asylum, have asked how to get a copy. It is not our general policy to send complimentary copies. Besides, one of the goals of The E-Sylum is to promote membership in NBS. The Asylum is a benefit of membership in the NBS. Members receive four issues a year for their $15 membership fee. Back issues are available at $5 each by writing to our Secretary, Dave Hirt. His address is at the end of each issue of The E-Sylum. New members receive ALL issues for the current calendar year, so if you join now you'll get issues 1,2, and 3 for 1999, then no. 4 as soon as it's published. COMMUNION TOKEN BOOK PUBLISHED Lester M. Burzinski announces the publication of "Communion Tokens of the World". The book is hardbound and limited to 250 copies. It contains complete descriptions of 7,730 Communion Tokens from all issuing countries of the world, including 4620 Photos. The cost is $ 80.00 postpaid. To order, write to: Les Burzinski, 2105 Oakridge Ave., Madison, WI, 53704. WARNER MEDALS CATALOGUE REPRINTED The Token & Medal Society (TAMS) has reprinted the 1902 catalogue of Wm. H. Warner & Brother of Philadelphia, in the October 1999 issue of the TAMS Journal. The catalogue described 102 medals available from the firm, which was established in 1823. The original was furnished by Q. David Bowers. MORE ON MATTHEW STICKNEY P.L.Mossman, Editor of The Colonial Newsletter writes: "M. A. Stickney wrote a series of articles, "Notes on American Currency," published in the Essex Institute Historical Collections starting in Volume 1, 1859. I found his discussion on colonial money very helpful in my research because he presented personal observations and contemporaneous references not otherwise available. I did not go beyond his discussion of the colonial period but one might look further to see if there are more useful tidbits concerning other specific U.S. series. ANDREW ZABRISKIE BIOGRAPHY This is belated news to those who have a copy of the June 1999 Sotheby's sale of The Captain Andrew C. Zabriskie Collection, but the catalog features a nice one-page biography of the pioneer American collector by David E. Tripp. Zabriskie's collection of U.S. coins was sold by Henry Chapman in 1909, but "Andrew Zabriskie's most lasting achievement as a collector must be in the field of Political tokens and medals, and most specifically his focus on the sixteenth president. His pioneering work, "A Descriptive Catalogue of the Political and memorial Medals Struck in Honor of Abraham Lincoln", which he wrote and published in 1873, is a modest work of which only seventy-five copies were printed, but it became the foundation of the collecting area which has become known as Lincolniana." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web page is a story about a wacky proposal to put expiration dates on U.S. currency. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,32121,00.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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