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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 2, Number 45: November 7, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES Just one new subscriber this week: H. Douglas Owens of Utah, Welcome aboard! Issues sent to subscribers Tim Cooper and Lance Ward have been bouncing back, so we've had to remove them from the subscription list. This brings our net subscriber count to 246. ASYLUM ON THE WAY (REALLY) We were premature in predicting two weeks ago that our print journal, The Asylum, was on its way to members' mailboxes. Due to a problem with ad copy, there was a delay in completing the printing. The hurdle is behind us now - the issue has been printed and should be in the mail tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience. BIBLIOGRAPHY UPDATED NBS bibliographer Larry Mitchell has provided several updates to the NBS General Numismatic Bibliography. The updates are now incorporated into the NBS web site: http://www.coinbooks.org/ WARNER CATALOGUE HELPS RESEARCHER Jan Monroe writes: "I would like to publicly thank David Bowers for sharing the Wm. H. Warner & Brother catalogue. This catalogue provided me with the source of two obscure medals that are included in my book on state anniversary medals that had previously been a mystery (at least to me). Finding a new fact is like finding water in the desert. It gives you encouragement to go on." GREAT DEBATE TAPES AVAILABLE Gail Baker, ANA Education Director writes: "Tapes of the "Great Debate" are available thru the ANA Library. They can be borrowed -- free (except postage) to ANA members, or purchased ($50). These tapes cannot be copied - and I don't just mean we don't want them copied - I mean it is not possible to copy them. The Numismatic Theater John Ford presented (on the same subject) the next day was also taped - and is very interesting." CASE OF THE MISSING SERIAL NUMBERS Having displayed an exhibit of printing errors on one dollar notes at the P.A.N. show last week, I was naturally curious when I noticed an ad which showed a U.S. dollar bill that did NOT have any serial numbers. Even more curious was the fact that the Treasury Seal WAS present, an impossibility since both the seal and the serial numbers are printed together in the overprinting process. The company is a new internet firm called BuyerWeb, so I went to their web site and emailed them my question: "Is there a reason why the dollar bill atop the stack of cash in your latest ads does not have the serial numbers printed on it? Just curious... " The response came one business day later: "Thanks for your interest in our recent ad campaign. In response to your question, it's my understanding that U.S. currency can not be reproduced photographically without certain alterations. Otherwise, it could be considered counterfeiting. Congratulations on your clever observation. The ad was produced by our agency and no one here noticed the missing serial numbers until you pointed it out." I don't think erasing the serial numbers is one of the "certain alterations" called for by the Treasury, but it's the thought that counts... HIGLEY HISTORY BOOK Back in the September 27, 1999 issue of COIN World, a letter to the Editor by Christopher S. Riley, Chief Guide at the Old New-Gate Prison and Copper Mine Museum in East Granby, CT, mentioned a book which should be of interest to collectors of U.S. Colonial coinage. The letter commented favorably on subscriber Dan Friedus' August 23rd article on Higley coppers. The museum honors America's first chartered copper mine (1707), and Connecticut's first colonial prison (1773), used by the Continental Congress. "We also carry copies of William Donovel's 1998 history of "New Gate," which has an informative chapter on Dr. Samuel Higley, his mine, and his tokens." According to a Connecticut tourism web site, the address of the museum is Newgate Road , East Granby, CT 06026. Telephone: (860) 653-3563. FEATURED WEB SITE In honor of the upcoming Bowers & Merena sale of the Lucien LaRiviere collection of Washingtonia, and the November 20th Coinage of the Americas Conference (COAC) at the American Numismatic Society (where a featured speaker is subscriber George Fuld, "the doyen of scholars of Washingtonia."), this week's featured web site is a new section of the University of Notre Dame Coin and Currency collections site, devoted to Washington tokens. http://www.coins.nd.edu/WashToken/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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