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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 21, May 21, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Peter Moon, who "saw a write-up about the Numismatic Bibliomania Society in the April 1999 issue of "The Numismatist". Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 302. CELEBRITY NUMISMATISTS In kicking off this discussion, I noted that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was known as a stamp collector. David L. Ganz adds that "FDR was also a coin collector and medal collector (little known). There is a modest exhibit in the presidential library at Hyde Park. His cousin, Theodore, has a nice collection of medals and awards at Sagamore Hill, in Junior's home on the premises." Bob Dunfield writes: "I have seen Jonathan Winters at several coin shows, including the Santa Barbara and the Santa Maria Coin Shows. At one Santa Barbara show at the Miramar Hotel, he was kind enough to autograph a copy of the 'Bank Note Reporter' for me! A picture on the front page showed a typical dealer and collector scene, and Jonathan created a new caption for the picture that was really quite funny! He's quite a character! On the book collecting side - my wife and I try to attend the Burbank Book Fair as often as possible. I look for numismatic material (which is sadly represented); in fact, Malter Galleries are often the only dealers that have a reasonably good selection - mostly ancient coins though. Several years ago, I spotted Jay Leno hurrying through the aisles. From what I understand, he is an avid book enthusiast. I informed my wife, Christine, that Mr. Leno and his entourage were there, and she caught up with him in time to receive a pleasant chat and an autograph on the book fair program! Another really nice fellow!" Fred Lake writes: "An easy way to pick out some famous names is to peruse Martin Gengerke's "American Numismatic Auctions" reference. He lists the consignors for most auctions held in the U.S. Some names that come to mind immediately are Buddy Ebsen, Jascha Heifitz, Hoagy Carmichael, Gary Burghoff ("Radar" on M.A.S.H.), Moshe Dayan (from Israeli politics), Harry Einstein ("Parkyakarkus" from old radio days), and from more recent times John LaRocquette. I'm sure you will receive many more names of the famous or infamous who were collectors. A couple of more collectors of note come to mind. Adolph Menjou (Movies) and Wayne Gretzky (Sports - albeit more of an investor than a collector)." Suellen Ruttkay of Coin World adds: "Penny Marshall, director/actress, has been spotted at coin shows (generally in California) over the years. Her picture appeared in Coin World some issues back - She was referring to a "Coin World Ledger" at a show (Long Beach, I think.)" Mike Keating mentioned Penny Marshall as well. Great name for a coin collector, don't you think? If we have a daughter, I wonder if my wife would go for that name...? Nah... Harold K. Fears, Jr. writes: "My favorite was the baseball player Andre Dawson. He had a substantial collection that was put up for auction several years ago." From Carl Honore: "Celebrity Collectors who come to mind are: 1) Enrico Caruso (Opera Singer) 2) Andre Dawson (Chicago Cubs) 3) Jerome Kern (Composer) 4) Adolphe Menjou (Actor) 6) Hoagy Carmichael (Composer)" Well, we've come up with a good list of American celebrities; what about the rest of the world? Doug Andrews writes: "for celebrity numismatist, I nominate Farouk I, King of Egypt 1937-1952." Any others? CELEBRITY SUBSCRIBERS Lawrence J. Lee, curator of the Byron Reed Collection at the Durham Western Heritage Museum, was pictured in an article in the May 23rd issue of Numismatic News. The article covers a presentation he made at the Central States Numismatic Society show on research into "A Remarkable Piece Lately Found in Philadelphia". The title is taken from a presentation by William Sumner Appleton to the Boston Numismatic Society in 1861. The piece, pedigreed to Joseph Mickley and Charles Bushnell, is of unknown origin, and Lee's "research into the legends, letter punches, and iconography" is beginning to shed some light on the unusual coin, whose legends read "Confederatio Americanus Juvenus, Tyrannis in Peretum Abeit Terra (translated as The Youthful American Confederation, Let the Earth be Forever free From Tyrants." JAMES EARLE FRASER RESEARCH Another subscriber has been publishing some of his research: Fred L. Reed, III has an article on sculptor James Earle Fraser in the May 22 issue of COIN World. MAKING OF AMERICA ALTERNATE ADDRESS Purdue fan and Ohio resident Wendell Wolka writes: "Reading in this week's E-Sylum of your graduate days at the UoM (yuck -- the Weasels!) reminded me that, in addition to the Cornell site, there is another web site connected with the Making of America project. The University of Michigan has a similar site at: http://moa.umdl.umich.edu Wendell reports finding a number of items related to his paper money research: "Report of the debates and proceedings of the Convention for the revision of the constitution of the state of Ohio. 1850-51. Volume 1 (Lots of debates on banks and banking regulation) http://moa.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/sgml/moa-idx?notisid=AEY0639b Remarks on currency and banking; having reference to the present derangement of the circulating medium in the United States. 1857 http://moa.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/sgml/moa-idx?notisid=AEV0351 FRENCH COIN SHORTAGE One of your editor's research interests is the specie panic of 1862, caused by financial conditions of the U.S. Civil War. Citizens of France are running into similar severe cash shortages as a result of a strike by armored car security guards. A May 19th article in the Wall Street Journal notes: "If this is a cashless society, count me out. -- That's the message from disgusted French men and women who suddenly can't find a functioning money machine or who must leave the supermarket empty-handed because the teller doesn't have the right change. Merchants are grumpy, too. "I went to the bank and they say they don't have any more one- or two- franc coins," groused an apron-clad Joel Jatteau as he arranged fresh mackerel on his fish stand on the east side of Paris." FINAL WORDS ON SCHJOTH In response to Mike Jones' last question, Jørgen Sømod of Denmark writes: "First edition of Schjöth published in Oslo 1929 I remember as dark gray paper bound." George Kolbe writes: "I've handled a couple of dozen or so original 1929 editions of Schjoth over the years but all I recall were bound in dark red (i.e. crimson) cloth, with distinctive gilt lettering [actually, I have a recollection of having seen one in wrappers but that may be a figment of my imagination]. I have seen multiple copies of two different bindings, and some copies are taller than others, suggesting that the work may have been bound in batches. Lockhart's 1915 catalogue of his collection of Chinese copper coins was issued "with flimsy paper covers" though, predictably, it is usually encountered in a private binding." NBS WEB SITE ACTIVITY The NBS web site has been averaging over 300 hits per day for some time now. On May 5th we had what may be a record: over 800 hits. The search feature is being used, too, by the general public as well as numismatists. Queries such as "monnaies provinciales", "diocletian", and "leonard forrer" are mixed in with "quarter coin books", "wheat pennies", and "1949 penny". If any of our literate subscribers would care to write up some information on such topics, we'll consider it for publication on the web site. It would be nice to be able to present meaningful information and guide visitors to the appropriate numismatic literature. FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web page is "Banknotes of Africa and the Middle East", from the private collection of Dan Bellin. http://home.iSTAR.ca/~bellan/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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